Chapter 17

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Josh's POV
I woke up and stared at Colleen. She is so gorgeous. Her eyes flutter open and she closes them again. She rubs her eyes and then opens them. "  Good morning sleeping beauty." I say and kiss her forehead. " Morning." she says. She walks to the bathroom to get ready and I lay down thinking of what I have planned for today. I look at the weather and it's pretty much gonna be sunny all day except later tonight it's supposed to rain. Oh well. I get out of bed and walk over to my suitcase. I put on a black shirt and some jeans and I put on my high tops of course. I put on my glasses and then wait for Colleen to get ready which could take forever since she likes doing her makeup and other girl stuff. I walk into the bathroom and she's putting on some mascara. " Almost ready?" I ask knowing she isn't. "Almost." she says and laughs. I roll my eyes and decide to walk to Starbucks to get us some coffee. I grab my phone and wallet and walk across the street. After I order I'm about to walk back to the hotel, but something catches my eye in the jewelry store next to Starbucks. I walk into the store and see a very pretty charm bracelet that says you and I on one of the charms. I love it a lot and I think Colleen would love it too. I purchase the bracelet and walk back to the hotel. " Hi babe." Colleen says when I come through the door. "Hi ." I say back and smile. I hand her her coffee and we walk out to the elevator. We are gonna go shopping for a while. We get to the mall and shop for a while then we get some lunch. Night time comes and I'm about to take Colleen to my favorite place in New York. " Where are you taking me Joshua?" she asks with that gorgeous smile of hers. " You'll see." I say back smirking. She rolls her eyes. We hop in the taxi and we go to the skyline of New York. I thank the taxi driver and hand him the money. Me and Colleen are the only ones here which is a good thing. I take her to the top of the hill and we sit down. The sun is starting to set. " It's so beautiful." she says her eyes lighting up. I look in her eyes and we kiss. She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder as we watch New York come to life. Just when the sun is almost down I decide to give Colleen her present. I fish around in my pocket and hand her the box. " Josh what is this?" she asks. " Open it." She opens it and her eyes fill with tears. " Josh is beautiful." she says. " I love it." I smile and she jumps into my arms and we start to kiss. " Will you put it on me?" she asks. " Of course." I say and put the bracelet around her wrist. She looks at it and smiles. She leans in and we start kissing again turning into a make out session. I start to feel a drop of rain then another then another. I look up at the sky and it starts to pour down raining. I laugh watching Colleen scream complaining about her makeup running. " You're such a girl." I say. She hits my chest and makes a pouty face. "Oh you're gonna get it." I say and chase after her. She screams as I chase after her. I finally catch her and throw her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I run up the hill while she screams. She wraps her legs around my waist and we kiss in the rain. We are both drenched. " I love you Joshua." Colleen says. " I love you too Colleen." "It will always be you and I, and I will choose you forever." She smiles and we make out again. What a perfect day.

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