Chapter 24

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Colleen's POV

Positive. I lunge myself into Teeny's arms and just cry for a while. " It's gonna be ok Colleen." she says rubbing my back. " I can't believe I'm pregnant." I say holding on to my stomach. Me and Josh were gonna wait awhile. I hope he doesn't think it's too early. I pick up the pregnancy test again and wipe my tears. " I guess I better tell Josh." I say quietly. " Thanks for helping me out Christina." " Colleen don't be so hard on yourself. Josh will still love you no matter what." she says. I nod and hug her. I pick up the test and my keys and walk out to my car. I breathe in some fresh air then start the drive back home. I'm so nervous I can barely concentrate on the road. I pull over into an empty parking lot and step out of the car. I feel sick. I lean over and throw up. I wipe my mouth and step back into the car. I pull out my camera and start vlogging. " Hey guys." I say softly. " So I'm a mess right now." " Um.. you're probably not gonna see this for a while.. but uh I-I'm pregnant." I say and start to cry. " I'm on my way to tell Josh." " Wish me luck." I say and turn off the camera. I start my car and drive home. I pull into the driveway and get out slowly. Josh comes outside with a smile on his face. " Hi babe." he says and hugs me. " Hi." I say laying my head on his chest. " "What's wrong babe?" Josh asks as he notices my tear stained face. " Can we go inside?" I ask looking down. He nods and we walk inside. We walk over to the couch and sit down. "Josh I-I." I start. " Go ahead baby." he says sweetly. " You're gonna hate me I know it." " Just tell me." he says looking in my eyes. I can't get the words out so I just take out the pregnancy test and hand it to him. I bury my head in my hands and silently cry. I spread my fingers apart to see his reaction. "You're pregnant?" he asks smiling. I nod. Why is he smiling? Isn't he mad? I don't understand? He stands up and walks over to me. He sits down next to me and hugs me tight. " Babe we're gonna be parents aren't you excited?" he asks squeezing my hand. " Yeah, but I thought you would hate me." I say quietly. " Babe I could never hate you." he says kissing my forehead. He puts his hand on my belly and smiles. I smile too and he kisses my lips. " I love you snoopy." " I love you too Fraggle." "And I love you too little angel." he says kissing my belly. My heart melts. I love him. I can't wait to meet my little angel, and I'm so relieved Josh feels the same way. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him. He looks up at me and we kiss for a while. He lays his head on my belly and I notice he fell asleep. He's so cute. He's gonna be the best daddy!

Ok Colleen's snapchat story was killing me! 😍😍😍

Ok Colleen's snapchat story was killing me! 😍😍😍

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