Chapter 6

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Josh's POV

Today I'm going to Santa Barbara with Colleen to meet her family. I'm so nervous! I hope they approve of me. I get out of the shower and put on my clothes. I turn off the lights in my apartment and lock the door. I get in my car and drive to Starbucks to pick up some coffee for me and Colleen. After that I drive to Colleen's apartment to pick her up. "Hi" she says and climbs into my car. "Hi" I say back and we kiss. " I'm so nervous.. I hope your family likes me." " They will don't worry about it" she say and holds onto my hand. I nod and we start the drive to Santa Barbara. After the hour and a half long drive we finally get to the Ballinger's house. "This is it. Home sweet home." Colleen says and looks at me. " Baby don't be nervous. They'll love you." she says soothingly. I nod my head and we walk to the front door. Her parents come out and immediately hug me. Wow they are very welcoming. " You must be Joshua" Mrs. B says. I nod and she hugs me. I don't know why I was nervous. The Ballinger's are so welcoming! We spend the rest of the day hanging out and sitting by the fire. I feel like I've know them all for so long and we are all one big family. I hope one day I can officially call these amazing people my family.

Sorry for the worst update ever! They will get better I promise! I'm going to camp this week and I'm not really supposed to have my phone, but I'll try and update as much as possible. Love you guys and thanks for all your support so far!


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