Chapter 12

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Colleen's POV
My heart hurts so much right. I couldn't be alone anymore so I went up to Santa Barbara so I could be with my family. I hear a knock on the door of my childhood bedroom and see my mom come in. " Hi sweetie." she says smiling. " Hi." I say back. " Colleen you've been in here for a week, and you've barely eaten anything." she says. " I'm not hungry." I mutter. She sighs and pushes the hair out of my face. She rubs my back as tears start to form in my eyes. " It's gonna be all right baby." she says. I can't help it and I just start crying as she holds me in her arms. I miss him so much. Why did I let him go?

Josh's POV
I'm in Georgia in my childhood bedroom staring up at the ceiling hating my life. I've just laid here for pretty much the whole week and haven't eaten. I can tell I'm starting to lose weight. I unlock my phone and look at all the pictures me and Colleen took together. I see a splash of water appear on the screen and realize I'm crying. I drop my phone and cry into my pillow. " Joshua." my mom says as she enters the room. I don't answer just keep crying. She sits down next to me and rubs my back. " Everything's gonna be alright." she says. I shake my head no. " Well Josh maybe you two should talk." she says. "Already tried that." I mutter. " Well have you tried talking in person?" she asks. I shake my head. " Well you definitely can't stay here forever." " You need to go back to LA and live your life." I nod and sit up. " Thanks momma." I say and hug her. " Love you Joshua." she says in her southern accent. " Love you too momma." I say back. I start packing up my suitcase and gathering up my things. I say goodbye to my parents and thank them, then I head out to my car to head to the airport. I'm getting my girl back.

Thank you guys for over 200 reads! Love you all!


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