CHAPTER 2 | Project Play The Game

Start from the beginning

I glared and pushed him out of my way. "I am not taking part in the game, so just leave me alone."

He narrowed his eyes in my direction and said, "You think you can choose not take part in the game?"

I nod my head once and continued to splash cold water onto my face.

He was more stupid than I initially thought. I was not going to take part in their stupid game.

Unexpectedly Brandon started to laugh out loud like a lunatic. I turned to stare in his direction. I lifted my eyebrows in confusion and then averted my gaze to Sophia who had the same expression on her face - confusion.

His hands were over his knees as he continued to laugh while muttering something in another language.

Brandon abruptly stood in front of me, all laughter gone. "You think you are funny?" He asked." You cannot decide if you want to play this game or not you have to take part in the game or face ultimate humiliation. After all, you would not want people to find know..."

He continued. "Does she even know?" He pointed in Sophia's direction.

I stared mutely at Brandon. He knew. He was one of the few to know about my darkest secrets. I blinked back the tears, preventing them from escaping my eyes.

I shook my head. "No, she does not and she does not need to know. And that goes for the rest of this messed up school." I took in a deep breath and said what I knew would change my life...for the better or worse? I was not too sure which one yet.

"I will go through with the game but please, promise me you won't tell the school."

"What do I not know?" Sophia asked inquisitively, with confusion written all over her face.

Brandon smirked. "Fine, I promise I will not tell. Only if you take part in the game."

"Alex! Tell me what do I not know? "Sophia demanded furiously.

Brandon quietly laughed under his breath and casually strolled out of the bathroom.

"Alex, please tell me," She pleaded.

I sighed. "It's nothing, Soph."

"What happened to no secrets between the two of us?"

I bowed my head in defeat and pleaded. "Please, Sophia, just let it go."

She raised her eyebrows and decided against pressuring me to relieve the secrets I had buried. "So you are taking part in Project 1000?"

And that was why I loved this girl.

I cleared my throat and grinned. "Nope."

"But you just said you were," she whispered.

I smiled wickedly. "I know what I said, Soph. But if I somehow manage to change Lorenzo's mind about me being the chosen girl. What if I told him to choose another girl?"

Sophia shook her head doubtfully. "I do not think that is going to work."

"But it will," I stated determinately. There was no way I was taking part in Project 1000 School Virgin and there was no way Brandon can tell the whole school about what I had done.

He just could not.


I waited against Lorenzo's locker for who knew how long. I was determined to make sure he agreed to my proposal. I needed him to agree.

I turned to noticed a few people staring at me in confusion as to why I was standing in front of Lorenzo's locker.

I flipped my brown hair over my shoulder. "What are you guys staring at?" I demanded in frustration.

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