I haven't seen her in forever and I feel like a bad grandchild.

She hugs me back, tighter than I hugged her. "Hello my little peanut!" She pulls away and kisses my cheek.

I laugh at the old nickname. "Peanut?" A voice rasped with confusion lacing his word.

My grandma and I turned to the voice and I swear I almost faint from how good Jc looks. He was wearing a simple black jacket, slacks, and a white button up shirt with a cute, crooked bow tie.

I was tempted to fix it but I decided against it.

"Justin." My grandma acknowledged. They must have sensed the confusion in my face cause Jc spoke up.

"Your lovely grandmother works for me and my company, for years actually." He explains.

I briefly nod "wait.. Were you the boy who was always attached to her?" I ask, remembering a brown haired boy that was always with my grandmother. I saw so many pictures of the young boy and had ought to know who he was - until now obviously.

My grandma speaks up for Jc "yeah he was, you've guys have met before when you were 3 Sam."

I nod again. You know that feeling when you think someone is staring at you? I am feeling that hardcore right now.

I look out of the corner of my eye and see Jc eyeing me. I blush a crimson red "I-I Uhm I need, I uh need to go take Uhm pictures?" I stuttered.

He shouldn't be effecting the way I talk. I shouldn't care what he thinks about me. Wait. Why the hell is he here?

I go to ask him but he's busy talking to blonde bimbo.

Wait, that bimbo is Lia. Hoe. They kiss. Oh?

I shake my head and go around talking to people and taking photos. I get complimented, a lot actually. Shout out to the real mvp Trevor.

I find the perfect picture opportunity, a teenage boy around the age of 15 was dancing with a little 5 year old girl on his feet. They were both smiling hugely and acting like no one was around to see them.

I crouch on the ground and set my my camera, putting the focus on it, turning the flash on and quickly clicking the button. A sudden flash goes off and a picture is taken.

I get off the ground and look at the picture. A smile creeps to my lips at how the picture turned out.

"Attention!" A voice booms through the elegant place

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"Attention!" A voice booms through the elegant place. Heads turn and the music turns off. "Welcomed to the Blue venue! Would you please welcome the person who made this event possible, Mr. Justin Caylen!"

I see the boy wearing a tux enter the stage and stand at the microphone.

"Hello everyone! Thank you so much for coming and donating to the many orphanages we support." He starts.

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