Chapter 36

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I've been sitting on the floor in a corner of the Center with my back against a wall for almost an hour now, thinking about what just happened. There are too many things going through my mind right now.

It's been two weeks since Lia went missing and suddenly, she's just...back. Just like that. But she looked different, more tired than usual. And her hair was much shorter. It was still yellow, but it barely reaches past her shoulders now. What the heck happened to her?

Why did it take two weeks for her to come back to me, when it only took Zayn one? Speaking of Zayn, I think I should go find him and see what's wrong. Wait, no. I have to figure out what's going on with Lia and why she came, maybe I should go to Zayn first. One problem at a time, Aimee, I think to myself. I have to deal with Lia first, I think that's more important at the moment.

Then again, the way Zayn was acting scared me. It makes me think that there's something seriously wrong with him. I've never seen anyone act that strange before.

Before I could make a decision, it was made for me.

"Aimee? May I sit here with you?" I look up to see Zayn, staring back at me with those dark eyes of his. I nod, and he slides down the wall and sits next to me, bending his knees a bit. I pull my knees up and hug them to my chest, resting my head on them.

"Rough day?" Zayn asks.

I scoff, "You have no idea."

"Yes I do," he answers, "I've had my fair share of rough days, I know what it feels like."

I turn to him, "I doubt you know how I feel right now."

"Do you feel like your head is in so much pain from all the thinking and the voices and trying to figure out that to do all the time?" Zayn guesses.

I'm taken aback by his guess, "Um, y-yeah. How did you know?"

Zayn grins, "I knew I could guess it. I feel like that all the time, so I can sense it in other people. Well, it's only been happening recently, but it feels like it's been happening forever."

"Why are you smiling?" I ask out of curiosity.

He shrugs, "Smiling just makes me feel better whenever I'm in a messed up situation."

This is the first actual conversation I've ever had with Zayn, and it's kind of nice.

"Maybe I should smile more often, then." I say.

"You should, it's fun," Zayn replies, "Look, smile like this."

He grabs my face and pulls up the corners of my mouth with his thumbs until I'm smiling on my own.

"There, that's much better," Zayn chuckles, and I can't help but laugh along with him.

"So, what messed up situation are you in that's making you smile so much?" I ask.

"Well," Zayn pauses, "there's something in my mind that's telling me to do something I don't want to do."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I press.

"Um, I bet you've been wondering why I'm being so nice lately, considering how I've been my whole life," Zayn says.

"Yeah, actually, I have been wondering that." I admit.

"Uh, so...every time I want to cause trouble or I'm about to do something bad, there's a voice in my head that tells me not to."

I furrow my brows, "So, how come you used to cause trouble anyways?"

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