Chapter 15

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*Back to Aimee's 1st person POV from now on*

I ran as fast as I could until I could feel my legs getting weaker. I try so hard to keep up with everyone else, but Pam and I were both slow runners so we were behind everyone else. My legs were wobbling, and before I can stop running to catch my breath, my right ankle twists.

"Ow!" I fall down onto the floor and grab my ankle. Pam notices, and rushes over to me.

"Aimee! You okay?" She huffs.

I try to answer her, but I'm so winded that I couldn't use my voice. After a moment of trying to catch my breath, I was finally able to talk again.

"I'm fine, just hurt my ankle a bit." I reply.

"Oh, maybe the pain will go away if you rest for a bit." She sat down next to me, both of us still focusing on regulating our breathing.

Harry looks behind him and stops cold as soon as he sees me. He jogs over to me and frantically asks, "Aimee, are you alright? What's wrong?"

"I'm okay, just ran out of breath. Oh, and I hurt my ankle a little bit." I look up at him, smiling. His worried expression doesn't go away, so I say, "Don't worry about me, I just need to rest for a while. Go on ahead, I'll catch up."

He shakes his head, "No, I'll stay with you until you're alright. Let me see your ankle."

"I'm fine, really." I chuckle.

He turns to look at the rest of our group only to see that they're already far from us.

"Wow, they don't even notice we're not there." Pam comments.

"It's okay," I breathe. I slowly stand up with the aid of Harry, "We should get going." Harry lets go of my arm, my legs start to shake, and there was an immense amount of pain in my ankle. Before I could fall back down onto the floor again, Harry caught my arm.

"That's not a good idea, you need to rest a little while longer." He replies.

"We don't exactly have time to rest." Pam points out.

Harry looks around, "Okay Pam, you go on ahead. I've got Aimee." Pam nods and jogs away.

"I don't think we'll make it in time, I can't walk too quickly." I worriedly tell Harry.

"You're not walking." He states. "Get up on my back."

"What?" I ask, laughing in confusion.

"I'm going to carry you."

"Oh, really? You don't have to do that." I smile, and he returns the smile.

"C'mon, we don't have much time left. Climb up onto my back." He grins.

"Okay." I jump on his back, careful not to hurt my ankle even more. I cross my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders.

"Alright, here we go." He puts his hands under my thighs to hold me up, and he starts walking. I hold on tightly.

"Jeez, this is scary." I comment.

"Why?" He questions.

"Well, there's a possibility that I'll fall onto the floor and hurt my back along with my ankle." I joke. He laughs and shakes his head.

"You're not going to fall on the floor. Although, my arms are starting to get tired..." He looks at me face and smirks.

"Don't you dare drop me!" I yell, giggling.

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