Chapter 30

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     I open my eyes and sigh, I made it through another sleepless night alone. Last night seemed like it was never going to end, I couldn't stay asleep for more than a couple of hours at a time. There's too much on my mind and it's been keeping me awake ever since Lia disappeared.

     Yesterday was pretty boring and uneventful. Harry and I drew some more after Second Feeding. Niall was with us the whole time, watching us draw. He's a bit clingy, and it was starting to get on my nerves a little. Peter and Dan joined us as well, like last time. Peter drew some flowers while Dan just sat there, looking as bored as ever. Although, he did show slight excitement when Peter finished the drawing and gave it to him.

     Third Feeding was relatively normal, considering the circumstances. I ate silently while Zayn and Louis bragged about their fighting skills. Apparently, they beat almost everyone at sword fighting. Although, they teamed up to fight against Liam and they still lost. Harry laughed at that part of their story.

     Niall sat next to me again, but I was too polite to tell him to move. He's really funny, but it's mostly his laugh that causes everyone else to laugh. He's also friendly, even though he was clingy almost the whole day. It was a bit strange when I thought he was following us, but it was probably just a coincidence.

     We didn't do much after Third Feeding because I was getting tired and my ankle was starting to bother me. Honestly, I tend to forget about the injury until it actually hurts.

     Harry helped me get to my room when it was almost time for the lights to go off. I remember the warm feeling I got when he gave me a kiss before he left to go to his room. Then, I changed into my night clothes, took off my ankle brace, and got into bed.

     It took me hours to actually fall asleep, and I woke up at least four times. When I finally fell asleep, the lights come back on.

"Ugh, no!" I whine to myself, turning to my side. I slowly get out of bed and start my morning routine. By the time I'm finished, Harry walks in, smiling.

"Morning, Aimes."

     I turn to him, surprised, "Did you just call me 'Aimes'?"

     He dramatically sighs, smirks, and says, "Yeah, not sure why I did that, that's Louis' thing."

     I giggle and change the subject, "What're you doing here?"

"Just wanted to walk to First Feeding with you, Louis' already left," Harry explains, "He said he had another dream, but he wants both of us to hear it at the same time so he doesn't have to repeat himself."

"Oh, okay," I respond, "I still don't fully understand the concept of a dream, though."

     He gently grabs my hand and rubs his chin with his other hand.

"Well, I haven't had one myself, but I imagine it to be like a memory, as Louis described it," Harry tries to explain, "For example, think about the other day, after Second Feeding, when we were drawing."

"Okay, I'm thinking about it," I tell him. I can picture it clearly, he was drawing and I was pretending to draw so he wouldn't know that I was actually just staring at him. I've been catching myself looking at him a lot lately.

"Alright, so I guess a dream would be exactly like if I were thinking of a memory, except I would be asleep."

"Hm, I guess that makes sense." I respond, even though I still don't get it. I don't want him to know that I don't understand, it would be so embarrassing.

     He smiles at me and brings my hand up to his face. He gently kisses the back of my hand, which makes me blush. I purposely walk slower just so I have more time alone with him before we're surrounded by our friends.

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