Chapter 19

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We wait for what seems like forever and Tina still hasn't returned. All I can do is sit and wait for her to come back while I listen to Louis talk about things I'm not even paying attention to.

"What's taking her so long?" Lia wonders out loud.

Harry sighs, "I don't know. Maybe I should go and look for her."

"No, stay here." I persuade him, holding his hand in both of mine. He smiles in return.

"I'll go." Louis volunteers.

"I think we should all just stay here for now." Lia suggests.

"C'mon, what's the worst that could happen?" Louis responds, heading towards the door. "I'll be right back with Tina."

"Louis!" Lia exclaims, but it's too late. He's already out the door.

I huff, "Why did I think he'd actually listen to us?"

"One of us should go with him." Lia says. "So he doesn't get lost."

Lia has a point. Louis isn't exactly the best with directions, even though he will never admit it. I look down, staring at my swollen right ankle. This stupid injury is going to prevent me from doing a lot of things. I sincerely hope it heals soon.

"Well, I obviously can't go." I speak. Harry gently squeezes my hand, causing me to bring my head back up.

"I know what you're thinking." His eyes meet mine.

I smile, "Do you really?" He nods with a grin. "Well, then. What am I thinking?"

"Well," he begins, "You were thinking about how much you hate that twisted ankle of yours and that you hope it gets better so you can walk without being in pain. Now, however, you're thinking, 'he's never going to guess what I'm thinking in that pretty little head of mine'." He says the last sentence in a girly voice.

"I do not sound like that!" I exclaim, giggling.

"Yeah, you do." Lia mutters with a sly grin.

I smile, looking down at Harry's hand, the one that held mine. My smile fades.



"What's this?" I trace my thumb along the palm of his hand, which had small, light red blotches scattered across it.

He shrugs, "I don't know. I only noticed them yesterday."

"They look weird, like spots." I comment.

"They're faint, though." He states. "I'm sure they'll go away in a few days or so."

"Hm." I hum, my eyes still on the light marks on his palm. I continue to trace them with my thumb as I sense his eyes on me.

Lia sighs, "I still think someone should go after Louis." She stands up. "I guess I can go."

"No, I'll go." Harry quickly replies. "I know the West Wing better than any of you guys."

"Are you sure?" I ask. He nods and pulls his hand away from mine. I reluctantly let go and watch him head towards the door.

"I'll be right back." He assures us with the same words Louis spoke moments ago. And with that, he left.

Lia and I sit here in silence. Well, I'm sitting. Lia is pacing back and forth.

"Lia." I call. She turns to me and I say, "Can you please stop? It's making me nervous."

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