Chapter 16

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"What are you talking about?"

I stare at Nate, and I chuckle.

"Um, last night? Lia told me we'd all talk about it today." I explain, looking at Lia. She had her head down, eyes wide. I look around my table to see that everyone was looking at me like they didn't know what I was talking about.

Pam tilted her head, "What about last night?"

I laugh lightly, "The trip to the West Wing, guys. You know, to look for Zayn. What else would I be talking about?"

"Huh?" Liam replies. "I'm sorry, but I'm a bit confused."

"What's there to be confused about? You were there too." I tell him, my laughter quieting down slightly.

Nate examines my face and states, "We never went to look for Zayn."

I burst out laughing, "Okay, we never went to look for Zayn." I mimic his voice.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks, looking at me like I'm crazy. I never knew he had such a sense of humor. "I don't even think Zayn's missing, Aimee."

"Are you alright, Aimes?" Louis asks from directly across from me.

"What's going on, you guys?" I question, looking around at my group. They're still messing with me. "It's not that funny anymore."

"I don't get what's so funny at all," Dan chimes in, "What do you think we all did yesterday?"

"We went to the West Wing, searching for Zayn! C'mon, you guys, stop messing around." I demand. They all have blank expressions. "Do none of you remember, or are you just really good at pretending?" I ask.

"I think you hit your head or something, love." Louis comments. "You seem to be imagining things."

"Oh, my gosh! What is up with you guys?!" I exclaim. I turn to Harry, who's shaking his head and has a pained expression on his face. "Harry?"

"Later," he whispered, quietly enough that only I could hear him.

I turn to the rest of the group, "I can't believe you guys! There's no way all of you just forgot about it."

"Aimee, drop it." Lia says.

"No!" I loudly argue, standing up. "I don't know what's going on with all of you, but I do know that we went to the West Wing last night."

"Sit back down, Aimes." Louis sighs. "You're imagining things."

"No, I'm not!"

"We never looked for Zayn, where is this even coming from?" He asks.

"Well, then. Tell me, if we didn't do what I know we all did, then what did we do yesterday?" I retort. "And where's Rin?"

"Rin? The girl with the long, black hair? She's over at that table," Peter points, "You don't remember what you did yesterday?"

"Are you seriously asking me if I don't remember what I did yesterday?" I angrily ask, sitting back down.

"Aimee, we went to the Garden yesterday, remember?" Louis says.

"No, we didn't." I respond.

"Yes, we did." He persists. "You and I were looking at those red flowers you like while Harry was running around doing who knows what, and Lia was examining the trees."

"What? No...that didn't happen...did it?" I ask. Maybe I did imagine yesterday.

"Of course it did. Why would Zayn even be in the West Wing?" Louis points out.

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