Chapter 33

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I don't open my eyes right away when I wake up, but I can tell that the lights have already turned on. I shift around a bit until I can feel myself facing something, and I instinctively move in closer to it. I pry my eyes open, having to blink multiple times and the first thing I see, the thing I cuddled into, is Harry, fast asleep.

I almost freak out and jump out of the bed, but then I remember that he asked if he could sleep down here with me, so I merely exhale and close my eyes again. To my surprise, I actually got a full night's sleep. I think I just needed to know that I wasn't by myself.

I can feel Harry stirring in his sleep, and he tightens his arms around me. I open my eyes again just so I can look at him. He seems so peaceful, without any worries. I place my hand on his chest, where I can feel a strange beating feeling, like the one I feel in my chest. I've never wondered what that thumping was before. It's calming in a way, the beating that's coming from his chest.

I look up to examine his face. His eyelashes are much longer than I thought they were, and I think they're cute. His mouth is slightly open, I can even hear him breathing. Then, I notice the blotches on his neck and I trace them with my finger until he stirs around a bit more and furrows his brows. He yawns and gently opens his eyes. I quickly look away so he doesn't know I was staring at him. I can see though my peripheral vision that he's a bit confused, until he looks at me.

"Aimee?" He says, groggily. His voice is so much deeper than normal and it makes me feel some type of way I can't figure out.

I look up at him, "Oh, you're awake. Hi."

He tiredly smiles and hugs me tighter, if possible. "I can't remember the last time I slept that well."

"Your breath smells bad." I say. Wow, I really am stupid.

Harry laughs, "Oh, really?" he puts his mouth right up to my nose and exhales.

"Ew, Harry!" I exclaim, squirming around and trying to get out of his grip. I successfully hide my face under the blanket in a way that his horrendous breath can't attack me anymore.

"C'mon, Aimee," Harry chuckles, "I promise I won't blow my breath in your face anymore."

"You'd better keep that promise!" I loudly say before slowly uncovering myself.

He quickly leans in and kisses me before I have any time to react.

I gasp, "What was that for?"

Harry shrugs, "Just felt like it."

I grin and lean in to kiss him back with more force than he had. I was about to pull away when he grabs my neck and kisses me harder. I close my eyes, he pulls me on top of him and opens his mouth a bit. I ignore his horrid breath because I like to kiss him.

One of his hands lets go of my neck and moves to my hip, and I get a strange, good feeling that I can't really describe.

We kiss like this for what feels like forever. Harry's hand is still placed on my hip, and he digs what I'm pretty sure is his thumb into my waist. Suddenly, he stops kissing me.

"Ugh, not again," he whines. He gently pushes me off of him and turns away from me.

"Harry, are you okay?" This is the second time he's acted weird after kissing me. It makes me wonder if there's something wrong with me.

"I'm fine, just give me a minute," Harry assures me.

"What's going on with you?" I ask, sitting up.

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