Chapter 21

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Third Feeding wasn't anything special to talk about. I spoke to Liam the whole time and I got to know him really well.

I found out that he's the best at swordfighting, although I already knew that because he beat Peter yesterday. He's also good at painting. He said he mixes colors to make many other colors. It's crazy how you can have two separate colors and mix them together to make a completely different one.

I asked him what his favorite color is and he said purple is his favorite. Purple is nice, but I really like red and green, I can't choose between them.

"Aimee, why don't you eat the outside of the bread?" Liam asks. I look down at my nearly empty plate. He must've noticed when I gave Harry the outer bread while he gave me the inside.

"I don't like it. It's too crunchy and it makes my teeth hurt." I tell him and he nods.

"I really like the outside, actually." He admits.

Harry hasn't spoken a word since we've sat down, he merely grabbed my hand to hold after we finished eating our bread. I like it when he holds my hand.

Louis speaks up, "We've got three hours until the lights go off, what should we do until then?" I look at the wall to see that it's 7.

"I kinda don't want to do anything." Pam replies. "I'm a bit tired."

"How about we have a race?" Nate suggests.

"What did I just say?" Pam asks, annoyed.

Nate turns to her, "Then you can watch everyone else race."

"You can sit with my while the others race, Pam." I offer. "I can't run with this ankle, anyways."

She smiles, "Okay, thank you."

"So, who wants to race?" Nate asks the group.

"I do." Louis responds.

"Me too." Liam quickly answers.

"Count me in." Lia adds.

I turn to Harry, "Are you gonna race?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Sure, why not?"

Nate gets up, "Okay, let me go find Dan and Peter. I'm sure they'll wanna race, too." He walks off to find them.

"I'm going to beat all of you. I'm very fast." Louis boasts.

"You sure about that, mate?" Liam challenges. "I'm a bit of a runner myself."

Lia giggles, "What if neither of you win?"

"I will." They both say at the same time, causing an eruption of laughter from everyone else at the table. Harry lets out a loud laugh and then immediately covers his mouth, chuckling a bit. It really wasn't funny enough for him to laugh like that, but his laughter made me giggle.

After everyone quiets down, we get up from our seats. We leave the South Wing and make our way to the Center, where we see Nate talking to Dan and Peter. Nate notices us.

"Hey, guys! Peter and Dan are in." He says.

"Alright, how are we gonna do this?" Lia asks.

Nate replies, "Okay, so we're all going to line up right here." He motions for everyone to line up next to each other. "Good. Aimee and Pam will sit on these chairs here and watch us." He points at the chairs to my left. "Whoever makes it to the nearest crafting table and back first wins."

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