Chapter 1 (O.o) Jake (O.o)

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The gun was aimed and ready to fire. There was only one problem.

It was aimed for my heart.

I felt the familiar freezing fear run through my body. The realization was finally dawning on me.

I was going to die.

There was no way that I was going to get out of this one alive. Every time I tried to look up at my attacker, my eyes were involuntarily diverted to the side. 

My blood went cold as the gun shot rang through the air. 

"No!" A blur of motion jumped in front of me, taking the bullet. That was when I realized that it was a person. A girl.

She fell to the ground and a deep laugh came from the man I could not see. 

Without a second thought I ran to the girl and knelt by her side. 

"Aww how sweet." 

I ignored the man and turned the girl over. Her head laid in my lap and she looked up at me with her chocolate brown eyes. One of her dark brown curls fell across her face. I gently pushed it to the side and she smiled slightly. Then the light faded from her eyes.

"NO!!" I screamed and jumped up from my bed. I frantically looked around. Then I realized what had happened.

I sank to my knees. I had been tricked. Again.

My head rested in my hands as i realized what was happening. I was falling in love with the girl from my dreams.

Eventually I was able to drag my butt to the shower. When I got out and got dressed, my best friend was sitting on my bed. A stranger stood in the doorway. 

"Hey Carl." I greeted the blonde haired kid. He stood from my bed and smiled.

"This is Dylan. He's new. Could you show him around?" asked Carl, motioning to the stranger. 

I nodded. Then I walked out of the room. 

Dylan followed close behind me. I led through the hallways. "Do you know about the way the system works?"

The boy shook his head. 

"Ok," I said. "Well, the president of the Demon Ranks, Dean ShadowLight, believes that the human race is too stupid to rule themselves. They aren't equals. He decided that it would be best if we took control."

I paused letting Dylan give any comments. When he didn't, I continued. 

"The feat wouldn't be very difficult, but one problem stood in the way. The Angel Ranks. They believed that no one should be controlled by someone else. The Angel Council members set up a defensive army to stop us."

I waved to a passing demon.

"That's basically what's going on. You will have training but for your first day, you get to come with me through my basic day."

I voice on the intercom. "Jake, report to chamber 202 as soon as possible," Roared the voice over the intercom. 

Another torture session, I thought. Need me to interrogate probably. Dang it! Still grumbling under my breath, I turned into chamber 202. 

"Good, Jake, you're here." Said Zeke. He towered over me, and had short black hair. I spotted Dylan staring bug-eyed at his scar on his face. Zeke also happened to be my boss. Zeke turned to the two demons  holding an angel. "Hook her up."

I eyed the girl. She had dark skin and long, brown wings.Some african-raptor descendent. I thought. Her brown eyes were practically closed and there was no light in them. She hung limply as the two demons chained her to the wall. "She already looks broken." I told Zeke. "Anymore torture could kill her."

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