Who In Your OTP (2.0 EDITION)

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Who kills for a pair of LED shoes? - bOTH *formal dancing with their shoes fucking lit*

Likes Cartoons? - Lloyd. He couldn't stop crying at SU's New Episode 'Conscious Learning' (GUYS DID YOU SEE THE EPISODE I CRIED I CRIED OVER AND OVER)

Confessed their love first for one another? - Kai. He planned what he wanted to say and when he would and ended up getting sick that day and Lloyd goes 'I knew so it's okay'

Makes jokes in bad situations? - Both. Little Shits.

Is easily angered? - It's still shocking to both of them, but Lloyd gets really freakin' angry when he's provoked. Kai has taught him that using his powers was an unhealthy way to deal with stress and frustration, considering he used to burn down old buildings and he breaks things. When Lloyd feels that way sometimes he asks Kai to 'Beat This Level' and they go outside to an open field and practice out positive techniques with their powers.

Enjoys soft mellow music? Aggressive? - Both probably. Lloyd really likes Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant and Kai SCREAMS Madness in Me by Skillet

(lol look at this Vincent Tong liked it i'm crying)

Would play an Instrument? - Kai would most likely be a singer. Lloyd would probably be a multi-player. Strings, Percussion, Wood Winds? Anything really.

Enjoys Thrillers, Sci-Fi, Horror Movies? - Kai likes Horror movies, Lloyd can't watch them that much.



(did anyone get my jokes did you like the video I mean I took a trip to memory lane just now)

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