Chapter 14

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After awhile the pain had dulled and became slightly bearable. When I opened my eyes I saw blue sky and clouds nearby. I looked to my side and saw red scales. I let out a breathe of relief.

"Ember?" I ask. My voice came out scratchy probably from all of the screaming even now it was still painful to talk. 

Scarlet I'm glad your awake. She says.

I try to sit up and only get about half way before I realize thats a bad idea. I grunt and shut my eyes as the pain spread across my body. My body gets stiff and rigid. I feel someone place their hands on my shoulders. This time my skin just stings at the contact.

"I got you." Aaron says. I relax my body and he lowers me slowly onto something soft. I take a deep breath and remain still not wanting to inflict and more pain. My head rested on something soft, my sight drifted to the corner of my eyes and I saw that I was using Aaron's jacket as a pillow.

"So, the weather." I say sarcastically to Aaron who sits next to my head. He smiles and looked down at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks concerned.

"Peachy." I saw and give a weak smile. I actually feel like someone ran me over then dumped me in a pit of fire to burn but I wasn't going to tell anyone that. Aaron chuckles at my remark.

"Glad to see you still have your sarcasm in one piece." He looks at my side. "I can't say the same about the rest of you."

"The bloods not real." I state. Aaron was looking at the side with the burns and fake blood I made. Aaron give me confused look.

"They're berries, I used them to escape. I made them look like blood and Dylan fell for it." I clarify. My eyes suddenly grew very heavy, like that sentence had just drained whatever energy I had left. Aaron nods and then looks extremely pissed.

"Dylan?!" He shouts. I winced at the loudness of his voice.

"sorry scarlet." He quickly says.

"I'm okay." I say and the pain starts to fade a bit.

"Did you say Dylan fell for it?" Aaron questions with a cold look on his face.

"Yeah he's with the rogue." I say. Then I remembered everything he said. About not having a choice. The other dragon riders there, they looked terrified when I saw them. Could it be...

"I never should of trusted the bastard. What did he do to you?" Aaron says looking at all of my burns.

"Little did I know I'm quite flammable." I say with a grin.

"Scarlet..." Aaron trails off but gives me tell me now look. I sigh.

"He bound me to a stake in a cave and burned the ground around me. Then tied me up." I answer.

"Then what about the bruises and cuts?" Aaron questions.

"The cuts are probably from when the rogue leader was carrying me with its talons. The bruises I don't know." I say the last part quickly. Aaron looked ready to kill Dylan. Despite all the lying Dylan might have been trying to tell me about his situation with rogue. I hoped the last part didn't catch Aaron's attention I don't need to give another reason to kill Dylan especially when the guy might just be trying to do the right thing. However Aaron doesn't look convinced.

"What are the bruises from?" He asks more like demands.

"Dylan might have thrown a few punches when I didn't listen." I state and Aaron gets more pissed if that was even possible.

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