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Mitsuki POV

"Mitsuki..." I opened my eyes slowly. "Naruto-kun?" he smiled at me sadly "Mitsuki...thankyou." He muttered looking down. "Thank you for protecting me" I looked at him strangely "how?" "Hiroshi told us what happened...thank you for protecting me." I looked at him in surprise when he started laughing. "Don't worry Mitsuki-chan next time I'll protect you!... And bring back Sasuke!" I stared at him with my eyes bugging out. "Naruto-kun..."

Naruto POV

"Naruto-kun..." Mitsuki murmured. Her eyes were filled with tears but she wore a smile. "Thank you Naruto-kun... I will protect you too." I smiled at her and laughed. "Thanks Mitsuki-chan don't be worried about me I'm going to go away and train with Jiraiya sensei. Then I'll get stronger so I can protect you and the village." Mitsuki-chan smiled and hugged me. "Mitsuki-chan?" I asked. She pulled away from me nodding. "Can I ask you to keep a promise?"

Mitsuki POV

My eyes got big as I stared into his bright blue eyes. "Sure Naruto-kun anything." He looked down clenching his fist. "If you ever see Sasuke...try to bring him back ok." I looked away in pain. I remember how Sasuke looked when he was about to kill Naruto he was rotten only lusting after power. However, Naruto-kun... I gazed at him gently. "You have my word Naruto-kun." I said sticking out my fist he laughed and we bumped fists. "Alright then...I need to go train with Pervy sage." I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Be safe Naruto-kun. Send me a letter if you need anything!" he laughed scratching the back of his head embarrassedly "Yea, Yea Believe it!" I smiled and waved at he left. 'Aish Naruto now I need to look out for Sasuke too...' "What a burden" I muttered laying back in my bed.

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