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*** Disclaimer ***
This book is currently under construction so there may be some mistakes as I am making my way through and changing/editing chapters so please bare with if you spot something that isn't right.
Also just for reference, sentences or words in italic are characters thoughts and sentences in brackets are me breaking the forth wall to intervene hehe.
Enjoy 😊


The worst thing about moving to a new country
isn't the moving itself, it's the settling in. Normally people move to a new school at the beginning of the year so they can get a fresh start. But not me. If starting a new school one month into its first semester wasn't hard enough, I had to make new friends. I left my friends back in England and I miss them a lot.
First impressions are essential so its important for me to actually look decent on my first day.
I took a shower, dried my hair and then straightened it, I then put on some high waisted jeans, a black strap top and red flannel. I picked up my bag, flung it on my back and then headed downstairs.
"Morning! I made you some-" I cut mum off before she could say anything else by grabbing the buttered toast off of the plate she was holding and held it in my mouth whilst I slipped my converse on. I then grabbed my earphones from the side and walked out of the door.
She knows I'm not talking to her because she made us move. I liked England, I had friends there. They aren't the friends you can just leave behind and forget about. They knew everything about me and I knew everything about them.
Me and Sam decided to try the whole long distance thing, it's been going well so far and we decided to FaceTime each other as much as possible. We've been together for 3 years so he understands me.

On my first day I was given a map and someone showed me around before lessons started. The bell rang and not long after students started scrambling from each direction heading towards their classes.
Shit, I'm going to be late.
I have no idea where my first class is. I pulled out my timetable, found the number of the room where my first lesson is and with my eyes glued to the map I rushed down the hall rapidly looking at all the numbers on each classroom door. Not looking where I'm going I suddenly collide with something hard and my belongings crash to the floor.
"Watch where you're going!" A voice growls.
I look up and see the most breathtakingly gorgeous guy I have ever seen. "I'm so sorry." I apologise to him as I bend down and collect my belongings from the floor. "I'm new, can you tell me where room 129 is?"
His face suddenly changed. "I didn't realise, my bad. I'm Shawn." He smiles.
"Jasmine." I said smiling back.
He stood beside me and pointed to the map. "This is the corridor we are standing in right now." He moved his finger along and as he did I felt something hard grab my behind. "And this is room 129, it's just down the corridor and to the left."
Once he'd finished talking he squeezed his hand grabbing my ass tighter before removing it. He went to walk away but I stopped him. "Did you just grab my ass?"
He smirked. "Take it as a compliment. You have a nice ass."
Ignoring his comment I roll my eyes and turn around to go back to finding where I need to be. As I walk away he turns and speaks to his friends. "I'd hit that."
I turned back around and snapped. "What did you just say?!"
He went silent.
I walked towards him and stopped when I was only a few inches from his face. "I am not yours to hit and I am certainly not an object that you can touch whenever you please!"
He smirked. "C'mon I know girls like it when I touch them."
I laughed. "Oh clearly God must've missed a brain cell when he sculpted you."
He scoffed. "You should've thought before you decided to wear those tight jeans to school." He looks me up and down. "I can look but I can't touch right?"
"How I choose to dress does not determine whether you or anyone else has the right to sexualise me so here's what's going to go down. You can stay here and continue to disrespect me but if you do I'll crack one of your nuts- right or left? That's your choice. Or you can walk away and live to be a douche bag another day." (Comment if you know where this is from)
He laughed. "Are you threatening me?"
"Maybe." I said before walking away.
"Hey!" He called back. I ignored him so he called again. "I didn't even catch your name."
I turned to face him one more time.
"Yeah well I didn't throw it."
Everyone went silent and all eyes were on me as I left. Shortly after his friends burst into laughter and the bell rang for the second time.
Great. Now I'm definitely late for class.
As I walked away I noticed people laughing and staring at me, at this point I have no idea if that's a good or bad thing.
So much for going unnoticed.


This chapter is inspired by the book She's With Me by Ava Violet. Ava if you're reading this I read your book a couple of months back and I fell in love with it. It inspired me to start my own book, it was different than the usual teen romances I read so if you have a chance go check out her book because she is an amazing writer.

I thought I'd change it up a bit by using Shawn Mendes as one of the main characters. As we all know he is nothing like the character he is displayed as in this chapter but it's only a book.

Thank you so much for reading chapter one and please don't forget to vote ♡

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