Chptr. 44

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"There's no sunshine

This impossible year

Only black days and sky grey

And clouds full of fear


These nightmares always seem to hang on past the dream..."

~ Impossible Year by Panic! At The Disco from the album 'Death of a Bachelor'

(The song is up above! The entire album can be found on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play!)



One week later...

Steven walked over to the horror house where the murder had taken place. He could not get the image out of his mind, the blood, the blank gaze in the eyes of Perseus Jackson, the crying of his friends. It had left scars on his heart and soul. That same night the police arrived, questioning the three teenagers and himself, of course. But the thing was... The weapon that was used was a classic bow and arrow, probably handmade, meaning, the killer of Perseus Jackson may never be found. There was no lead, there were no cameras around, the teenagers said not to know anyone who would want to do their friend any harm and there were no fingerprints left for some reason. The person was a professional, the chief of the police, Peter, had said.

Steven had known Peter for years and when he asked about what happened, all Peter could say was that this was a case to be buried deep as there was nothing to go on and there would never be anything to go on by the looks of it.

Steven looked at the house, nobody, silence... As if nobody had ever lived here, as if nothing had ever happened. It was strange... He knocked on the fixed door, no answer... The door opened a bit, showing nothingness. The furniture was there, but there was no sign of the teenagers. He walked into the woods, trying to seek peace for his mind and soul. The sound of the wind through the leaves calming him down. The smell of wood soothing his mind.

After about an hour of walking, Steven stumbled upon a tree, something carved in its trunk...

Annabeth Chase


A sudden knock was the thing that woke Grover up from his thoughts. He had been working hard and long to protect and nurture the nature of Alaska. It was not as hard as in the States but hard enough to be a challenge. He walked over to the door, grabbing his crutches on the way, eventually standing on them as he opened the door. "Hello?" He said as he looked through the small gap he had made. As he saw the blue streak he immediately shouted full of happiness, "Thalia!" While throwing away the crutches, opening the door and wrapping his arms around her torso. "How are you? How is Nico? How is Percy? What kind of jobs do you guys have? What have you been up to for the last couple of months?" Questions rolled out of his mouth in a fast speed. But as he let go of Thalia and saw the serious look on her face, all he could do was frown. "What's wrong?" Grover asked as he mentally prepared himself for the answer. Thalia's lip started quivering as she burst into tears. "He's gone, Grover... He's gone... Percy..."

Grover went on his knees, the impact of the news hitting him hard in his chest. "No... He can't... He's..." "Artemis killed him..." Thalia said through the tears. "That bitch killed him! After all, he's done for her! After everything he did for the gods!" Thalia punched the wall in anger, the tears blurring her view, her voice full of sadness and rage. "He did not deserve this!"


"Mister Stark?" "Yes, Jarvis?" "The chief of the Alaska Police Department on line four." "Just tell him, I'm busy." "It's about Percy Jackson, sir." Tony looked up and ran to the phone on the counter...

"Hello? Tony Stark."
"Hello mister Stark, this is Peter Kenny, the chief of the Alaska Police department. I'm calling you about your nephew..."
"Yes Perseus or Percy Jackson, what's wrong? Is he okay? When is he returning to New York?"
"I... I'm sorry to tell you this, this way mister Stark..."
"What's wrong? He's okay, right?"
"Mister Stark, please let me finish..."
"Just... Okay."
"Perseus Jackson was murdered a week ago in a small town called Olivia."
"That... No... At least tell me you got the son of a bitch who did this..."
"There is zero evidence at or around the crime scene... The investigation has been discontinued."
"You have got to be fucking kidding me."
"Mister Stark, I understand you are sad and angry but..."

Tony threw the phone through the room, it eventually hitting the wall and falling down to the ground. "Jarvis, just let my elevator go to my room please..." "Okay, sir."


"Jarvis? Where's Tony?" Steve asked, walking around in the Tower in search of his friend. "In his room, mister Rogers." An eyebrow was raised on the right side of Steve's face. "He never goes to his room during daytime," He says. "Mister Rogers, I would advise you not to look further for mister Stark." "And why is that?" "His nephew tragically passed away a week ago, he just got the news," Jarvis said in a monotone voice. "Percy?" "Yes, sir." Steve breathed in and out very deeply as he thought about the teenager. "How?" "He was killed by someone unknown." "Fuck..." Steve said under his breath. "Jarvis, inform the other Avengers, please," Steve said very fast as he started running towards the stairs. "Yes, sir."

Steve ran up the stairs, trying to hide his emotions, even from himself. The poor kid... Shit... He eventually ended up at Tony's room or floor. "Tony!" He shouted while running into the room. "Tony! Where are you!" He looked around, eventually finding him in his bedroom, just looking out of the window. "The kid didn't deserve this," Tony said in a soft voice as tears rolled down his face. "Oh god, I wonder if his friends even know..." Steve looked sadly at his friend. "How on earth are they going to keep themselves together?" "They have each other, Tony," Steve said as he walked over to the bed where Tony sat on. "Just like you have us."

Not the last chapter!

Next one is the last...

Question for you guys:

Sequel or new fanfiction?

(Note 27th of March 2020: There is a sequel! Percy Jackson & The Avengers 2: The Rising)

Keep on smilin'!


Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now