Chptr. 29

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"For the darkness has broken our homes

All that we wished for like fools on a rope

I can feel it, the desperate control

A burning passion

When love takes it's toll..."

~ Resurrect the Sun by Black Veil Brides from the album 'Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones'

(Song is on the side. The album can be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)



"Percy... Why did you never tell us about this?" Thalia whispered, loud enough for them to hear. "It was not important, we were kind of busy." "Yeah... I guess..." "But you could have told us," Nico said, looking at Percy who was standing against the wall in the corner. "Why?" Nico shrugs and sits back. "When in the years that I've known you guys was it ever needed to tell you this?" Nico stands up and looks at Percy. "Never, but maybe to support you." "It happened and we went on with our lives. It did not need to be mentioned."

Tony was listening, his ear against the wall. He did not understand, how did they not know this about Percy? Well, listening to everything, it was because, according to Percy, 'it did not matter'. How did this not matter? His past? The... Horrible things that happened. How could it not matter?

"Percy?" Nico said, looking directly into the sea green eyes of his friend and family. "There's someone listening on the other side." Tony backed away from the wall, his eyes wide, how could this kid know this? "What are we going to do with him? The rest of his buddy group is going to look for him." "Well, we can't let the man go, he will get his whole team to this place to arrest us or kill us." "They wouldn't kill us," Percy said, responding to Thalia's spoken words. "They wouldn't kill us?" Nico says. "They tried to blow us up!" Percy fell silent and looked down at his blue sneakers. "I want to believe you, Percy, just because your uncle is in with those people and you care for him, I know you do." Nico walks over to the table and sits on it, his hands laying on his lap. "But I don't want to die again..."


"So, what are we going to do?" Will asked, looking at the red-haired girl next to his bed. "What do you mean?" She said, not looking up from her sketches. "When I can go, what are we going to do?" Rachel looks up and lays her sketchbook on the little table by Will's bed in the infirmary. "I'm probably going away for a while... Because of my dad." Will looks down. "You'll be probably staying in Camp... Helping others, having fun with your family..." "Half of the family is dead, Rachel... I knew all of them. My brothers and sisters..." Tears welled up in Will's eyes. "They didn't want to fight... They just wanted to help... To heal, not this! We are doctors! Not soldiers!"

Rachel looked at him, just looking and listening. His voice was so broken and his eyes were shouting along. She knew she was lucky, she was so damn lucky not having to fight in the war. She was so damn lucky not being a demigod. It was just terrible what the Gods did to their children... Their soldiers... "It's not like we asked for this!" Rachel wrapped her arms around the weeping demigod, what else could she do?


"So, what are we going to do with this idiot?" The three demigods and the satyr were sitting around Tony, looking at him with a black look. Thalia looked at the rest, waiting for an answer. "Well, Percy should choose, it's his uncle," Nico said, looking at Percy. "So, what are we going to do? We could dump him somewhere on the road." "Wait, are you going away?" Tony looked at his nephew and saw eyes he could not read, was he sad? Was he happy? They did not tell him anything. "Well since you blew up our chance at our normal lives, all we can do is go," Thalia said in an angry voice. "You and your fucking idiot superhero group." "Thalia..." Percy said, looking at her, shutting her up. "Please." Thalia looked for a second in the eyes of her cousin and then looked down. Percy looked back at his uncle. "I don't get it, it was just a cemetery." Percy jumped up, grabbed his uncle by his blouse and pulled him up. "Just?" Tony looked in shock at the anger in Percy's eyes, he had never seen him like this... 

"Just a cemetery? You blew up my mother's grave!" Percy dropped the man to the ground and walked away, going outside. Gone. Away. Thalia looked at Tony in disgust. "You really are an asshole, Stark." Thalia walked to the other room, leaving the men behind. But as soon as she was out of sight, Grover walked away as well. "Y'know, I actually thought you cared for him, Stark," Nico said, looking at the shocked man. "I do," Tony said, looking up to the demigod. "I just..." "You blew up your sister's grave, what does it feel like?" "Terrible..." Tony stood up and sat down in front of the kid. "I just..." "Don't even start with your excuse, idiot." Nico stood up. "But if you keep going like this, I can assure you, you will die." "And join your friends?" "And join the devil in your hell... Who the fuck do you think you are? That you are worthy to go to 'heaven' like my friends? My friends who died fighting for their family? Percy's friends who died fighting for what they believed in? You will die thinking about everything you have said that was filled hate, stupidity and anger, Stark. Don't ever say or think that you are even close going to something like heaven." Nico turned around and started walking away, but before he was out of the room, Tony shouted. "I'd rather go to hell than be in your family." "One more stupid thing out of your mouth and I will kill you, Stark. No matter your blood," Nico shouted back, walking out of the room. 


Damn, that was tense!

For everyone, I hope you have an amazing day, that the sun will shine in your life and that if it rains that you can dance in the rain. :)

Love y'all!

Keep on smilin'!



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