Chptr. 35

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"And the walls kept tumbling down

In the city that we love

Great clouds roll over the hill

Bringing darkness from above...

But if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like

nothing changed at all...?"

~ Pompeii by Bastille from the album 'Bad Blood'

(Capitol Studios version is on the side! The entire album can be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)

(Yes, the original is amazing, but we needed a little change :))



"Damn it, Percy! Get back to work!" Steven, the manager, yelled from a distance. "Yeah yeah!" Percy yelled back. "Gotta go, I'll see you tonight," Percy said to Thalia. "Go, you idiot, before you get fired," Thalia said while walking away. Percy went back to his boss with a wide grin, "You little lovebird," The boss said while pouring down coffee in his mug while shaking his head. "She's not my girl, Steven," Percy said with a sigh. "Yeah sure. Don't lie to your boss, get back to your work." Percy waved the words away and walked over to the small structure in front of him. They were building a house for a family that was moving to the town in a few months.

While working Percy's thoughts went back to Camp, to the demigods, the happy memories. Annabeth laughed at Percy who was covered in ketchup and mayonnaise. She had thrown some French fries at him with the sauces on it. "Yeah yeah, funny," Percy said annoyed. "Shut up Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said before kissing him. The kiss lasted ten seconds and ended when Percy picked Annabeth up. "No no! Put me down!" "Nope, this is my revenge, Wise Girl." Annabeth looked at the sea and back at Percy, her eyes widening a bit. "Don't you dare!" Percy threw her into the sea while Annabeth screamed. She went underwater but appeared back on the surface very fastly. "Fu..." "No bad words, sweetie," Percy said jokingly. "You come here, you idiot!" Annabeth shouted. "Sure!" Percy ran into the water towards Annabeth. The moment he stopped in front of her, she dunked his head underwater. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her underwater. There he made an air bubble. "You seaweed brain..." Annabeth said with a big smile on her face.

"Wake up you fool! Get back to work!" "Huh?" Percy looked around to see the structure and the concrete, a feeling of sadness filling his heart and mind. It was only just a dream...


"Miss Thalia?" Thalia looked down to see Sophie hanging on her leg. "Yes, Sophie?" A sweet smile covered Thalia's face. She felt truly happy helping out the school. "Are we going to hear more Greekys today?" Greekys were myths of Greek mythology, not the PG-13 versions of course. Just stories about the Gods, the Satyrs and the... "Are we?" "Yes, Sophie," Thalia answered. "Yay!" Sophie smiled and clapped in her hands. She started running away while shouting, "Brian! Brian! We are getting more Greekys today!" Thalia smiled and looked around, seeing that the teacher, Dolores, was smiling at her. "You are doing great Thalia." "Thank you so much." "C'mon, the bell will ring within a few minutes." Dolores walked over to the entrance of the school, Thalia following her. "I'm glad that you feel at home here." "Me too." "Where did you come from?" "New York City," Thalia set up her defence system, ready for the questions. Dolores smiled and looked at her. "Wow, New York City, I have never been there. It's always portrayed as a city of dreams." "Well, I guess it is... It was just... Y'know my home." "Yeah... So, Thalia, I was wondering, would you like to get a parttime job here? If you have the time, of course." "Yes!" Thalia shouted. She immediately calmed down and said, "I mean..." She cleared her throat. "Yes, yes I would like that." Dolores laughed a little and laid her hand on Thalia's shoulder. "You get to be an official help here, you do have some administrative work, but you get a full loan and vacation days, the whole package." Thalia smiled as bright as could be, she hugged Delores, shocking her. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, Dolores," Thalia said. "You're welcome, Thalia..." Dolores wrapped her arms around Thalia who was still a bit in shock. "You deserve it, you are such a unique and kind person... Never let anyone else tell you something else."


"Nico! I got a job!" Thalia yelled while throwing the door shut. "Oh my Gods, Thalia!" Nico turned around to see a jumping Thalia. "First off, you scared me." "Oh shut up, be happy for me." "Second..." "Don't you even dare finish," Thalia threatened. "Congratulations, want to have some spaghetti?" "You darn sure, Neeks!" "What did I hear, Little Lightning Girl? Did you get a job?" Percy yelled while entering the house. "You bet I got a job!" "Congrats Thalia! Ooh, do I smell spaghetti!" "Yeah, it's spaghetti!" Nico yelled back. "Thanks, Perce!" Thalia yelled in response. "Well, let's cut the shouting," Percy said, walking into the kitchen. "That would be very nice," Nico said. "When is your boy coming home, Nico?" Percy asked looking around. "He is not going to be home soon, apparently, there is some kind of virus in town, so the clinic is making some extra hours." "Do they know what kind of a virus it is?" "Will knows, the rest doesn't," Nico said with a smile. "You look awfully happy about it," Percy said, sitting down on the chair, putting his plate with spaghetti on the table. "I have such a smart boyfriend." Thalia laughed shortly and said, "You two lovebirds, it's so cute and weird." "I know," Nico said, settling at the table, putting down the plate and smiling at his friends.

"Don't listen to us, Nico, Thalia is just jealous and I am just weird," Percy said jokingly. "I am not jealous!" "Yes, you are. Now, let's eat!"


"Phase three activated."

"Repeat. Repeat."

"Phase three activated."

"Phase name, please?"

"Phase Unstoppable."

"What is it for?"

"That's classified information."

"Well done."


Yes, Unstoppable was chosen because of the awesome SIA song. ;)

Another update because you guys were really patient for a long long time :D

Never forget: You are unique! You are kind! Never let anyone else tell you otherwise!

Keep on smilin'!

Have a wonderful day!



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