Chptr. 11

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"So, whenever  they'll say that all we had is bound to fall

All together we'll stay (when they get in our way, when they get in our way)

Strange, how everything seems to float in grey and drown in gold

Stay, and everything's saved..."

~ Streets by Kensington from the album 'Rivals'

(See their live version of this song on the side. (I WAS HERE! :D) You can find this song on Spotify, YouTube, Itunes, etc.) 



It was like sleep didn't want Perseus Jackson in its empire anymore because the demigod didn't sleep any more that evening. Tears streaming down his cheeks with the sound of his sobs filling the silence of the cold room in New York City. The feeling of loneliness packed in his heart while the honks of the cars on the busy streets shouted across the city.

His mouth was a little open, the heavy breaths escaping in and out. His lips were trembling. 

The demigod stood up and went to the bathroom, looking at the miserable person in the mirror. Dark circles under his eyes, his hair messy, the hollowness in his eyes. "Sir? Can I help you?" Jarvis said. His voice looking like it came out of nowhere. "No thanks, Jarvis..." The voice was trembling. It sounded like a dead man speaking. "Sir, can I offer you something?" "No Jarvis, leave it be..." No answer was heard of the 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System'. Just a small sigh out of the dead man's mouth.

He stripped down and went beneath the shower. The glass wall as a door to the outside world. The hot water touching his skin made him feel alive. His hands were on the glass wall, him leaning on the strength of them clinging to the glass.

Little clips of his history flashed before the demigod's eyes. The blood, the hurt, the loss. His right hand went from flat into a fist. "Why?" A whisper was heard through the falling of water.

The falling stopped and Perseus dried himself off and put on a blue sweater, black jeans and his blue sneakers. There was no escape from this dark hole he was put in by the Fates. There was no ladder to happiness, no stairway to heaven, no bridge of light, no highway to the sweetness of her lost lips. The

A knock on the door. "Percy? Are y'awake yet?" Tony Stark's voice was to hear in the room of darkness. "Yeah, wait for a second," Percy yelled back. Trying to sound as confident as possible. He looked once more in the mirror, observing if it was saved. Yeah. It was. He went to the door of the big room and opened it. "Good morning Sleeping Percy Beauty!" Percy smiled, a real one for once. "Good morning Man of Iron." Trying to sound like the God of Thunder. Tony laughed and walked with Percy to the elevator. "So, got any plans for today?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, uh, Steve and I are going for a jog." "Can you keep up with the walking American Flag?" Tony asked with his eyebrows up. "Yeah." "Damn."

The elevator opened, showing off its insides with AC/DC music playing for its background. 'Better than Olympus.' Percy thought to himself. Thunder rumbled somewhere far in the distance. He wanted to laugh in a way. Because, why not? But he couldn't, because otherwise, he would have to tell Tony... And Tony and the Avengers shouldn't be involved with the Greek and Roman Gods. Their eyes and ears had seen and heard things no human should ever see or hear. Their lives needed some rest, not the drama and wars of the Gods. Another thunder rumble. "Man, I hate bad weather." Tony Stark sighed. "Yeah, me too." Percy said.

But bad weather meant more to Percy than just raindrops that would fall out of the sky and ruin his hair. Bad weather meant that the Gods were angry and also, most of the time, that there was a war. And he's most likely to fight in it. The first normal storms after the war were terrible. Horrible flashbacks and a lot of panic attacks. It wasn't the worst part though. No, the worst part is the fact that he had nobody for support.

After Tartarus, Annabeth was his rock, in a way. They leaned on each other for help and they always knew that the other had as much pain as themselves. Someone understood them. The feeling of someone understanding is better for the heart than someone who doesn't understand and is trying to help with something that 99% of the time doesn't even work.

Now nobody knew. Nobody on the face of the earth would or could understand what this young man had gone through at such a young age. This would give the demigod this feeling of loneliness in his heart.

Tony Stark watched as he saw a battle in the eyes of his nephew. The pain was so obvious, yet the kid would never talk to him about it. The thought 'It's more than just Gabe' was more than once flying through the head of the genius. But the second question would appear, what was it then?

The elevator dinged, giving the sign they had arrived at the floor they needed to be. "Finally," Tony said while walking out with Percy. Percy stopped thinking so deeply. He just shouldn't. Over-thinking ruins a lot. It hurts.

Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now