Chptr. 17.2

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(Before we go on, on the side is 'In The End' by Black Veil Brides. I just discovered this song and I absolutely love Biersack's voice (and well, the eyes like the video) :) The song (which if you listen and stuff is about death and stuff) is not connected to this chapter like the rest of the songs used and will be used in the story. It's just that the song that was actually used is on 17.1 and you guys know the reason why this part of Chptr. 17 is not attached, so there you go! Enjoy the story! :D)

The noise from Percy's room had stopped, his nightmares were getting worse by the day and it drove Tony insane. He wanted to help him so bad... This kid was the only family he had left, who would not want to help him? After Thor's words...

It felt like the only good thing he was doing right now. He looked to the left to see Pepper looking at him. Her eyes filled with a bit of sadness. She crawled over to him and laid her hand on his chest. "I just..." Tony starts. "I know, Tony... I know." After the reveal of Percy being Tony's nephew, Tony tried to get everything on him. And the more they knew... Well... It didn't become prettier. The abuse came up, pictures of bruises and scars with pictures of a young Percy, pictures of screenshots of international security camera footage. It was all a lot to take in. For all of the Avengers. "NOO!" A scream, Thor. Wait, Thor? Tony got up as fast as he could and put on some pants. "Be careful!" Pepper yelled as Tony left the room, running into Bruce, "You heard it too?" "C'mon, Greeny!" Tony yelled while running down the stairs, Bruce following him closely. "I wonder..." There was Clint standing beside a neutral looking Natasha, both looking their way. "Stark, leave," Natasha said in a demanding tone. "No, what happened?" Tony says while walking the last steps and walking over to the door of Percy's room which was open. There was Percy, laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood, eyes closed, pale as snow and Thor standing beside him. Stark couldn't comprehend for a few seconds what he was seeing, his eyes were wide and his mouth was open with his lips trembling in shock. But then he looked up, "WHAT DID YOU DO!" Tony yelled with all the power in his voice, anger covering his voice like a chocolate sauce. Bruce walked up to Tony and laid his hand on his shoulder, "Calm down, Tony. We need to get him to the infirmary first." Tony pushes the hand off his shoulder and looks at Banner with almost unseeable tears in his eyes, "Well... Then let's go," he says in a soft voice.


"Nico? Nico? Nico? Nico? Death Breath!" Thalia throws a pillow to her cousin. "What, Thalia? What?" Nico asks grumbling in his pillow. "There's something up." "Yeah I know, you are keeping me awake." "No. Your new tattoos." "Really, Thalia? Now?" "Yes, now!" "Why?" "We need to talk about it at some point, why not in the depth of the night while death is everywhere?" "Nice setup, Thals," Nico says sarcastically. "It's just... After all of the stuff that has happened, we both are having trouble staying or falling asleep and the nightmares are becoming worse..." Now Nico looks up from his pillow and over to the other side of the room where his cousin laid on a mattress. "It's just..." "I know what you mean Thals... But it's not like we can walk over to some therapist and be like 'oh yeah we are demigods, we just won a war but we died and oh yeah this gothic dude is secretly 100 years old and can control skeletons.'" "But that doesn't mean we can talk to each other..." "That's true, Thals..." "I'm worried about Percy." "Who isn't? Almost every monster or titan wants him killed or on his plate." "He's just so...." "Thalia... He lost us, he lost Annabeth, his mom and everyone he loved except for Poseidon, but guess what, he's an Olympian. He can't support him and Chiron is left with a destroyed camp. And don't forget about the whole battle we all have been in." Suddenly Nico heard sobs coming from the other side of the room. He gets up and walks over in only his black boxer short and wraps his arms around the crying Thalia. "I just... I just wish we would get peace, Nico."


"I don't fucking get who else could have done this shit to my nephew, Thunderhead!" Tony yelled in the face of the God of Thunder. "But why, Thor! Why! Tell me why! You told me to trust him!" "I did not do this, Man of Iron, stop this nonsense." "Nonsense? Nonsense! Really!" "Tony, maybe..." "No Bruce! This!" Tony stopped and pointed at Percy, laying unconscious on the bed a few feet away from them. Wires and machines attached to his body, tracking everything that was going on inside him. "Has not happened by itself! It can't!" "This is above your head, Stark!" Thor yelled back in anger. "It's not! I may be human, God, but I am not stupid and I have a team behind me," Tony spat, saying 'God' as if it was an insult. "Leave it be," Thor said, his hand going through the air as if it throwing the issue of the table. "I want to know who does this to my sister's son, Thor!" "You can't!" "Why the hell not!" "By law." "Law? Law! Of fucking course, law," Tony said while looking at Thor as if every bit of his body was pure anger. "Fucking law," Tony starts clapping his hands, "Applause for a law that protects criminals, yay, go law!" "You should keep your mouth shut, otherwise, they will come." Tony stops with the clapping and steps forward, standing close by Thor and looking up into his face. "Who will come, Drapey?" "No one." Thor turned around and walked away, leaving behind a sad-looking Tony and a shocked and tired-looking Bruce.


"So, what is our plan?" Nico asks looking at Thalia with a questioning look. "We are going to get Percy, form a plan to get the rest when they get back and go to Alaska so we can live without fear?" There was a moment of silence. "Good plan," Nico eventually answered. "I know, right!" "Well, we still need to work on almost every detail." "Ugh, think positively and find our guy." "Well then, let's go!" Nico grabbed Thalia's hand and walked into the shadow, ending up in Stark Tower in a hallway. "What now? This thing has over 30 floors." (A/N I looked it up, the Tower only has 36 floors!) "Well, searching?" Nico sighs loudly and starts walking.


"Jarvis? Why are there two teens walking around in my tower and is there, not an alarm that goes off?" Tony asks while looking at live camera footage from floor 23. "Well, sir, one of them is in our visitors list." Tony looks closely at the footage and recognizes the death looking teen from the other day. "Well, get him on the 'lookout for this person'-list and let the alarm go off." "Of course, sir." Right after that, the alarm went off, causing the teens to run towards the wall and suddenly appear on the other side of the window of the infirmary.


"Wow, a lab," Thalia said in amazement, looking around with wide eyes, smiling... Until she saw Percy. Her smile faded away and tears started forming. "No!" She screamed with despair dripping it from it like water. "Thalia, what's..." The sentence stopped with that one look in the same way as Thalia was looking. Nico's eyes turned dark and his heart stopped for a second. Thalia walked over to Percy's bed and took his cold hand. "Why... Why... Why..." She started mumbling while the heart rate monitor kept on beeping. A few minutes past before something was said again, "Thalia, are you okay?" Nico asked while standing on the other side of the bed. "Do I look okay, Nico?" She answers in a sarcastic tone. Nico sighs and looks up looking right into Tony Stark's eyes. "Thals, we have some company."

Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin