Chptr. 4

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"Move your body when the sunlight dies

Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow


Make a wish when your childhood dies."

~ S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by My Chemical Romance from the album 'Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys'

(Song is on the side. It can be found on Spotify (with the rest of the album) and on YouTube)

(Fun Fact: This is my favorite MCR album)


The team was in shock after the wave of Perseus Jackson at them. The word 'how' went through their minds and shortly after, they watched the young-adult walk over to the chair on their left and sat down while looking at the door. Thor just grinned at the hero. Stories of his bravery, modesty and loyalty were known in Asgard. He never had the opportunity to meet the hero himself. The god felt his heart jump a little at the thought that he could actually speak to him. Ask him about his more recent adventures. 

"What is the plan, sir?" Steve Rogers asked. Nick Fury looked at his team, making them look back. "We need to get as much information out of this kid as we can. His family, skills, physical and mental health, his disappearings, everything."

The first person to enter the cell was Nick Fury himself. Putting on his most intimidating look, while looking at the boy in front of him. Most of the time, people would shrink at his eye when he looked like this, but the boy didn't even seem to care, he just raised his right eyebrow. "So, for how long are you going to look at me with that puppy eye of yours?" Fury took a breath through his mouth and continued looking at him that way. In some ways, he couldn't believe what he just heard, but again, the kid was probably a terrorist and was trained to have a hard shell. "Who are you?" Fury asked. "You probably already know, Pirate Guy, Perseus Jackson. But please, call me Percy," Perseus said with a smile. Fury looked like might explode within a short amount of time. But Percy didn't care. Not a single bit. After Tartarus and the wars, this mortal Jack Sparrow wouldn't scare him. "Who are your parents?" Fury asked. "Pirate Guy..." "Fury." "Alecto!" "What?" Fury looked weirdly at the kid's reaction. What the hell is an Alecto? 'Look that up later', Fury thought. "Never mind..." Percy said. "Fury, don't you have a file or something?" "Why should I?" Percy gave him the 'are you kidding me?'-look. "You probably have some high function in the government. And the government loves to have files on everyone. So, you have a file. The question is, if you have those papers, why on earth would I be sitting in a cell, with some creeps watching me through the glass and you trying to get answers you already have?" "Because we don't have all your information, Perseus." "Please call me Perc..." "I will call you as I please, Perseus," Fury said, interrupting Percy. "You will answer these questions if you like it or not." "Well, I won't answer the questions if you keep on calling me by my big name, a lot of bad people have used it, y'know." "Bad people, you say?" Fury asked with great interest."Big baddies." "Who are the 'big baddies'... Percy." "See, you're getting it!" "I will ask you again, who are the bad people you are talking about?" "Pfff, you wouldn't know them, Pirate Guy. You don't even know who my parents are." "We know about Sally Jackson and your stepfather Gabe Ugliano." "Okay, let's get this one cleared up, Gabe was never my father or father figure or anything, okay? He was an asshole and I'm happy that he disappeared." Nick Fury sighed, they were getting nowhere here. "Perseus, answer the questions." "Listen, Pirate Guy, you have no right to just kidnap me to this... place and then expect me to be like: 'Ooh yay, so happy to help you guys out with whatever the fuck you want from me'. What did you expect?" Fury stood up and walked over to the door. At the door, he turned to Percy. "You will answer, Perseus Jackson." 

"Well Nick, the kid's got balls." Tony Stark said as Fury walked out of Percy's cell. "Steve, go in there and check this guy's strength." On that note, Rogers went over to the door and walked in the cell. As he sat down, Percy asked: "So you are the guy that got me here?" Rogers sat in front of the kid and nodded. "Yup." "I have a question for you, guy on steroids." "The name is Steve." "Well, Steve, why on earth have you brought me here?" Percy asked angrily. "I was told to do so by my boss." "So if I asked you now to jump off a building, you would do it?" "No, but that is different." "You brought me here, from a cemetery, what man does that?" Percy's teeth crunched as he looked at the man in front of him. Man, what had the world come to if mortals did stuff like this? "Look, we can get this over quickly." Percy sighed and just looked at the big man in front of him. "What do I need to do, big guy?" "Just one game of arm wrestling with me," Steve said with a small smile as he put his arm ready on the table. Percy raised his right eyebrow and put his arm ready and locked hands. "3... 2... 1... Now." At 'now' both Percy and Steve put all their strength in their arms. The arm-wrestling was done within 30 seconds. Percy Jackson won (a big shock to the team and Nick Fury). "How on earth did that teenager beat a super soldier?" Banner asked himself out loud. "You just need to answer the questions and then you can leave, okay?" Steve said to Percy as he stood up. "Maybe," Percy said with a smirk. Steve walked away and closed the door behind him. "Getting old huh?" Tony Stark said. "Banner, get your stuff and check him mentally and physically." Without any spoken response to the command, doctor Banner walked over to his room, got some things, including a pen and paper and went back to the cell. As he entered the cell, he saw the boy stiffen up at the sight of the medical equipment. When he sat down he said, "Hello Percy, I am doctor Banner." "Well hello, Banner," Percy said happily. "I am going to ask you some questions, please answer them truthfully, all right?" Percy nodded, this man actually looked nice. What on earth was he doing with the other weird guys? 

"Have you been diagnosed with disorders or sicknesses?"
"I have ADHD and Dyslexia."
Banner nodded at the answer and wrote it down.
"Have you ever been poisoned?"
"Uhm..." Percy scratched the back of his neck. "I lost count after seven." Banner looked in shock. Over seven times? What the... How can a teenager have been poisoned over seven times? It would already be something else if it had been like three times or something. He just wrote down seven times.
"Have you ever broken any bones? If yes, which ones?"
Percy looked up for a second in thought. "I have broken almost every bone in my body. Like, every one where you like, don't really die and stuff. Some multiple times, but I never really checked which ones."
Banner scratched his head in thought. Almost all of his bones? How... What... Uh...
"How do you sleep at night?"
"Next question," Percy said within a second after the question was asked.
"Okay..." Banner said softly.
"I am going to say a word and you are going to say the first thing that comes to your mind, okay?" Percy nodded in response that he understood. This was going to be a ride, wasn't it?
-"I wish." 
As Banner said the words he saw the kid's eyes going darker and sadder. His mind seemed to go somewhere else.

"Percy... Where is your mother?" Banner said to the broken boy in front of him. "She's dead..." "Your father?" "Lost at sea..." "Do you have a special someone? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?"
"I had..." "Had?" "She died recently..." Percy answered while looking at the table, trying to keep himself in control. Banner looked at the boy in pity. As he had heard the responses and had seen the boy sleeping. He could tell he had PTSD. But in a way, he couldn't place it... How could a teenager have PTSD.... like this? 
"Percy, I need to examine you." "Haven't you done that already..."
"I mean physically. You have to take your sweater off." Banner said. "No..." Percy said. "I won't do it..." "Perseus, please..." "No Banner. I won't." "Please, Perseu... Percy." "No." 

At the last no, Steve and Clint walked in. Grabbing Percy by both his arms. "Let me go!" Steve tried to block out the yelling of Percy. Two handcuffs appeared out of the wall, still attached. And as soon as Steve and Clint pushed Percy's hands with his underarms in the cuffs, they closed. There stood Percy Jackson, hands above his head and three men looking at him. Banner walked over to him and grabbed the scissors. For one second he looked at the green eyes of the boy in cuffs. "Please don't," Percy said, almost beggingly. But Banner started to cut through the sweater. First in the middle from down to up. And after that, he cut off the sleeves. And a split at the sleeve-body connection so he could take the middle part of the sweater off like a jacket.

What he saw was something he would never forget. Scars everywhere on the torso of Perseus Jackson.

Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt