Chptr. 32

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"Lay down your arms

I don't wanna fight anymore

Rough seas will be calm

Hold on while we weather the storm...

I'm not discarding you like broken glass

There are no winners when the die is cast..."

~ Broken Glass by SIA from the album 'This Is Acting'

(Song is on the side! Album can be found on Spotify, iTunes, etc.)



"Jarvis?" "Yes, sir?" "What might be possible places Perseus Jackson might hide?" "Mister Stark pays the rent for his mother's apartment every month, sir." "Where is this apartment?" "I'll send you the address on your mobile phone, sir." "And send the Avengers to the living room, it's about time we have a good conversation about this fuckin' kid."


"I'm winning!" Thalia yelled as she kept on dancing in the living room. "Oh Tartarus no!" Percy yelled back as he danced. It was the battle they all had been waiting for. The dance battle between Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace. Poseidon versus Zeus. Water versus lightning. '...I'm not trying to be funny, but I left it at home today...' "Hey, she's broke like us!" Thalia yelled while laughing loudly. "We are not broke!" Percy did the robot. "We are just short on money." "Yeah yeah!" '...You might knock me down! You might knock me down!...' "I'm so gonna win." "Nah-ah!" "Yeah-ah!" "Nah-ah!" Yeah-ah!" "How long is this battle going to take? You have been going on like this for an hour..." Tony said, sitting in a nearby chair. "Well, if you don't like it, just leave the fuckin' room!" Thalia yelled back as she did the sprinkler. "No!" "Why not!" "The chair is nice!" '....Not this time...' "Here's the break!" Percy started shuffling as Thalia started to do the shopping cart. "I swear..." Tony started laughing and facepalmed. "And I thought I was weird." "We are just very special, idiot."


"Sir, why did you call us?" Steve asked, sitting down on the couch in the living room of the Tower. "I found Perseus Jackson's location. There is a big chance that Tony and Thor might be there." "Do we know for sure?" Natasha asked. "No, but we will find out. Tonight we are going to check it out." "Sir... We discussed with each other..." Steve said. "Yes?" "We think it's best for us and for others to let Percy go... I don't think he wants to do any harm..." "You do remember he kidnapped Tony?" "Do you remember we blew up a cemetery with graves of his friends and family? And it could be that Tony went willingly. We are touching in the dark with this, Nick." "He could be a threat." "Could be. That doesn't mean he is one. We could be threats to, but we are not. Let the kid be." "The moment Stark is back, he's off our list. As for now, we still go there and check it out."


Will shrugged and started to hobble towards the beach, Nico sneaking through the bushes, watching him with every step he took. Again Will turned around and looked around. "Someone there? Guys, sorry, not in the mood of these kinds of pranks." Nico smiled and laughed on the inside, when Will was tired, you should not bother him. Or talk to him. Well... Never mind. "Person in the bushes, I might be injured and tired, but I'm not stupid or delusional." Nico turned even paler than he already was and the smile fell from his face. Oh, gods... Luckily, there was not someone around, everyone went to the show of the Apollo cabin. Once in a while, they would show off their musical talents, but apparently, Will had chosen not to go this time...

Nico looked around once again and grabbed all his courage in his heart. "Please..." Will said.

Time seemed to slow down as Nico stood up, looking right into the blue eyes of his love. They were so broken it hurt... Nico felt so guilty for not coming earlier and seeing Will this way did not make it go away. Will was so shocked... How... Wha... He fell to his knees. "How... Are you a ghost...? Are you... Am I going mad?" He grabbed his head, sadness and confusion building up in his body. Nico ran up to him and kissed him. Thousands of butterflies were fluttering in both of their stomachs.

After a few seconds, Nico stepped back, Will still looking shocked, his mouth open and his eyes wide. "Will... I'm going to Alaska with Percy and Thalia..." Nico gulped. "I... Do you... y'know..." Will smiled and jumped his love's arms, going through his unhealed knees, Nico catching him. "I'll always catch you, Will."


"Percy... Who won?" Thalia asked, sweat dripping from her head and panting. "Blackjack did..." Thalia laughed and sighed. "Yeah, that doughnut eating horse of yours. Dam..." Thalia stood up, walked to the window, opened it and screamed, "Zoë! GIRL! HAVE FUN WITH THE STARS! DON'T SCARE THEM LIKE YOU SCARED ME SOMETIMES!" Someone on the street screamed back, "Shut up!" But Thalia waved it away, closed the window and smiled at Percy. "I still had to do that..." Percy smiled back. "Who on earth is Zoë?" Percy turned to Tony and said, "Someone who was and will be the most honest person I ever met." "And the most stubborn one as well." "That too." 

"By the way, Thalia, do you know where Nico went?" "Yeah, but you'll see," She said with a smile. 


Hey everyone!

I'm going to take the songs I use for every chapter to the introduction of the story instead of the describing of the story, because I don't enough characters any more for the rest of the upcoming songs. 

If you have a suggestion for a song, an idea for the story or just a lovely message, you can always comment and send me a PM :)



Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Aftermath (PJ/TA Crossover) ~ Completed ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora