BoLo Time

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The power duo walked arm and arm into Lauren's building. Deco was sitting behind the desk. Cedric had told him how to keep the thoughts out of his head. He smiled at them till he saw the wound on the seethe's waist. Deco came around the desk, "Lauren, what happened who did this to you?" His eyes flashed a yellow/greenish color. Bo started to slowly reach her hand down to her dagger that she always kept strapped to her leg.

Lauren reached out and grabbed Bo's arm, "Bo, Deco is a shifter. He shifts into a panther." Bo reluctantly let go of the handle of her weapon, never taking her eyes off of the dark fae shifter. The blonde turned her attention back to him. "My friends were helping me get prepared for my apparent doom," she half jokingly said it.

Deco looked from Bo to Lauren trying to process what she just said to him. "Wait, did you say your friends did that to you?" The dark fae looked at the wound and couldn't believe a friend would inflict damage to that extent.

Bo never took her eyes off of him. His concern was a little suspicious to her. "Yeah her friends that want to see her live through the fae seethe killers. Didn't your dark leader tell you?" She raised her one eyebrow in questioning the man in front of her.

The dark fae turned his eyes to Bo as they returned to their normal light green color. "I'm not all that close to Evony. She is in charge; I follow the rules, and report when I have to. That's all." He knew how too smooth over a situation his old boss taught him well. "We aren't all as lucky as you Bo, the rest of us had to choose a side." Ignoring the looks the succubus was giving him, he returned his attention to Lauren bending down to look closer at the wound. It was deep but it was like the tissue was burnt to stop the bleeding. "New trick," he asked as his eyes gazed up at her.

The seethe had a twitch of a smile as her eyes diverted to Bo's direction. "No just a little help from Bo." She sensed Bo's distrust and reached into Deco's mind. He did seem concerned that fae were trying to kill her. Just to be sure she made a mental note to talk further with him when she was completely healed.

The shifter was impressed. By looking at the wound he could tell how deep it was and the succubus was able to help. He knew it couldn't have been too much because clearly her friends were there. This meant that it was healed by just a kiss. His eyes shifted over to the succubus, she had a protective stance next to the seethe. Deco found it slightly humorous since the blonde was the more powerful of the two. "I'm sorry I upset you Bo. Lauren has lived here for a little over 4 months now. I have gotten to know her and this is the first time I have seen her come back injured." He stood in front of Lauren and took her one hand in his hands, "Lauren, I didn't know there were fae trying to kill you, if there is anything you need me to do, I will." He gently let go of her hand as he returned to his desk.

Lauren had Bo's hand in hers as she walked to the private elevator. She called back to Deco, "Listen around, see if you can hear anything about this." Just as she was about to walk in the elevator she put her hand out stopping it from closing. "If you learn anything try to get a number." She stepped back in as the doors closed. She couldn't help but grin at Bo. "Your dagger, you were going to try to stab a panther shifter?"

"I didn't that's what he was." After all this time it was amazing how much she learned yet still didn't know. "How many types of shifters are there," realization hit her that there could be some of those in the fae army trying to kill her girlfriend.

The blonde found it cute how much the succubus still didn't know. It didn't matter because she would be there to teach her everything she needed to know. "More than you can imagine." The elevator doors opened to her place. Full seethe mode kicked in with the need to heal and reenergize. Stepping into her hallway she looked back at the sexy brunette her eyes gleaming emerald green. "Do you really want to get into the conversation of shifters now?"

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