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As soon as Lauren walked out the door Bo felt the euphoric feeling slowly leave her. Tears filled her eyes at Lauren's last words. Her head was swirling from everything that just happened. She turned to the wolf shifter next to her looking up at him she barely got out, "Dyson."

He knew it was coming he saw her face at Lauren's exit words, he had no idea what that meant but he saw the tears filling her eyes and spoke before she continued, "I know Bo. I have always known it was Lauren. I had to try anyway not just for me but for you, now you know what all of us realized long ago." He lifted her face so she would look at him, "Now how do we get back your girl?"

She was grateful on how kind he was being she missed their friendship, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him. He was important to her and she did love him just not the way she used to, it was a new love, like her love for Kenzi. She looked back down, "I don't think she is my girl to get back anymore."

Tamsin rolled her eyes; she always thought the succubus could get a little dramatic, "Okay so fuck it let's quit now then why waste time. Evony will be thrilled."

Bo shot her a dirty look through her tear filled eyes, "You weren't exactly innocent in this whole situation. You kissed me, I was shocked, and I didn't tell her because it meant nothing. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her more."

"That worked well." Tamsin leaned her head back, "Ugh, you really can be frustrating. I didn't say I was innocent, and I don't regret kissing you. I'm compulsive it was in the moment."

"Ladies, ladies, as much as I love to watch a girl fight we do have to try and get Lauren back because in case anyone didn't notice she didn't stay here reminiscing she left, with Shay, a Dark Fae. While we are on that topic let's add in that it is all Dark Fae helping Lauren regain her strength right now, so Bo what can we do to help you get that sexy girl of yours back." Hale said as he was checking over Kenzi.

"Someone say Lauren, I love her."

"I know you do short stuff." Hale walked over to Trick, "Maybe I should put her on your couch till this wears off."

Trick opened the door to his private chambers and looked at Hale, "Put her down there, Stella and I have to look over some things in the books."

Hale brought Kenzi into Trick's chambers and walked back over to the group, "Why don't you think you can get her back?"

Bo looked up the tears were slowly streaming down her cheek, "As she was leaving I was wondering if she still loved me or in love with me, she said yes and I don't know. She loves me but she isn't in love with me."

"Don't get all bent out of shape darling that is a lot for a Seethe, but just in case we should move quickly." Everyone gave Vex dirty looks, "What that was supposed to be motivating."

"Bo, I have known you since you first showed up here, since when do you throw in a towel and give up. I know we all just learned a lot and I know you feel like you don't know Lauren anymore but she is still in there. The Lauren you love, the Lauren we all started to love is in there, and I know it hurts but it will hurt more if she stays with Shay." Dyson grabbed her shoulders and turned him to her, "Let's do what we do best and make a plan."

She knew Dyson was right, she had to pull herself together. She let her go last time, just walked out and didn't put up a fight. When she saw her at Taft Industries so much was going on and she knew Lauren was pushing her away but didn't have time to figure out why. This time she was going to be different this time she was going fight for her, she was going to show her how much she meant to her like she should have many months ago. She looked over at Vex and Tamsin determination burning in her eyes, "What can you tell me about Shay, Kaya, and the twins?"

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