A Seethe Is

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Shay stood there, pushed her lips into a wicked grin, and looked at Bo as if she found her amusing. "Seriously? A succubus that doesn't know what a Seethe is?" She turned her head to Trick, "Blood King, I assure you she is real, I wouldn't be here otherwise. Hell, I thought they were just fairytales, but leave it to Evony, still surprising all these centuries later." Looking back towards Bo, "She really doesn't know," with that sexy smirk plastered back on that perfect face.

Bo felt an overwhelming desire to push past Dyson and punch the grin off her damn face; she just didn't want to hit that pretty face. Girl to girl no one wants facial bruises.

"She is new to the Fae world," snarled Dyson as his eyes flashed yellow at Shay.

In the blink of an eye Shay had Dyson by the neck and his feet were off the floor, her eyes glowed that light blue, "You don't want to fuck with a succubus that has been spending a lot of time with a Seethe. You feel that, it's my powers growing. This time it's a warning dog." As she placed him gently back down and smoothed out her shirt.

It happened so fast no one had time to react or think, Bo started towards her but couldn't move her legs, and she looked at Vex knowing who was keeping her in place. Vex nodded his head in understanding but was letting her know he was doing it for her own safety.

Kenzi broke the tension, "Holy shit balls that was intense," She looked at all of them, "I'm a baby fae so what is a Seethe?" Kenzi asked wanting to know more than ever now, especially if they can supercharge a fae like that.

Stella was starring at Trick both had their eyes locked onto each other's. Stella breathed out, "Impossible." She broke her gaze with Trick and put her attention to Bo and Kenzi, "There is many things written in books about Seethe's but there was speculation that they might just be a myth, until now."

Hale's normal smug smile was wiped clean from his face he continued for Stella, "Seethe's are closer to a Fae God, than a normal Fae. They have extreme Fae powers, tons of them, and they are magical as well, in case the powers weren't enough."

Bo looked at everyone's serious face around her and put her hands on her hip getting a little irritated by the cat got your tongue looks that she was getting from the group, "These powers would be..."

Tamsin was still starring at Shay as if she was still processing this new information she looked down before continuing, "It would be easier to list the things they aren't capable of. They can read thoughts and even put thoughts in your head. They are immune to tons of Fae powers including the Blood King's, if he writes a rule she doesn't have to follow it. Starting to understand the seriousness baby fae's," she stated with half the sarcasm that she usually has to her.

"They are also telekinetic, moving objects with their mind, humans, fae, objects," Dyson continued, "They can make fae or a human implode, as if they swallowed a bomb. Have the ability to erase a Fae's powers leaving them to be human."

"Crap balls!" Kenzi stated with wide eyes. Bo was realizing why the grim looks and the quietness to the group. A Seethe is more dangerous than her father and Garuda combined.

Stella looked at them taking another deep breath before continuing, "They do not have to choose Light or Dark because there is no one that can force them to pick a side. Besides at full power it's not like they need the backup provided by choosing a side. A Seethe at full power could kill all the Light Fae, Dark Fae, or both if she wanted from right inside this bar, of course it would probably kill her as well so we don't have to worry about that. Still it would be foolish to ignore that it is possible for them to do."

Bo was absorbing all this new information; she was processing it all as each new piece was being said. She looked to her grandfather, "I get the high and mighty powerful fae but what does any of it have to do with a succubus." What Bo didn't say was how she was dreading the thought that the Morrigan might have Lauren, and the Morrigan has a Seethe, and she might have to fight the Seethe to save Lauren. Dark Bo might have been better for this task.

Trick blushed slightly and looked down; this was going to be a little uncomfortable for him to explain. "Well, Bo, you see...the two types have a familiar...uh...well..."

Shay cut him off, "You're a succubus, and we heal and get our strength from sexual chi. We need to take sexual chi to make sure we don't die. Seethe's are similar, but instead they need to release sexual chi, making them absolutely perfect for a succubus and us for them. Of course Seethe's are always women because they need to have stamina, if they are drained; weak, severely injured they need to keep going sexually, hence being a woman. All this makes them prefer women as their sexual partners as well, lucky for me."

"Can they release that sexual chi to any Fae? I can take sexual chi from humans and Fae, just Fae's I am less likely to kill." Bo said. She was hopeful that if she could get close to this Seethe she can use her to power up and take her down to save Lauren. She was forming a plan in her head in case. This was why she told Dyson she would date him but couldn't promise anything. Till she saved Lauren, till she knew her true feelings, did she need closure or was it more, she needed to find her.

"From what I have heard they can, but with stipulations. For a Seethe to sleep with a human they would have to be at full power or close to it otherwise it would be an overload of sexual chi. How you can suck the sexual chi out of them to death, a Seethe can put too much in them, kind of like overdosing on Ecstasy, an overwhelming amount of Euphoria. Slightly different with a Fae, they still have to be careful because just like how a succubus can kill a Fae so can a Seethe. A Seethe and Succubus is a win-win." Tamsin had a smile on as she explained this part. She couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to get that power from a Seethe. She felt eyes glaring at her and turned to Shay who was looking at her with Light Blue eyes.

"You're face alone is showing me what you are thinking, she isn't at full power so you aren't even a possibility Valkyrie," Shay hissed out.

"Lovey, the jealousy is cute but don't get your hopes up, Seethe's aren't really known to be the relationship loving type. I always heard their need to keep their strength makes them more resistant to developing deep feelings, they sound like a ton of fun if you ask me," Vex said with his flare.

Trick turned to Shay realization in his eyes, "You hope she picks you to produce an heir. An heir with a dark fae under the Morrigan, that's why the Morrigan called you Shay."

Bo interrupted, "Did you just say produce an heir, a Seethe and a Succubus, did a miss a day in biology?"

Trick turned to Bo, "I will explain in a moment Bo, first I need to know the Morrigan's role in this, how did she meet a Seethe?" he asked Shay.

Shay sat on a stool, "This is where the real fun begins."

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