One on One

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The door opened and the two fae grabbed Lauren dragging her off the chair bringing her into the Morrigan's office. Evony was sitting behind her desk, Lauren still had her head down but she could sense her. The anger was building up inside of her, and being so weak she was using the remaining energy she had to keep control of her powers. Evony leaned over the table, "You're not going to say anything, nothing to defend yourself, you pathetic human. Did you really think you would avoid me forever, it was only a matter of time before you tried to come crawling back to that arrogant unaligned succubus. How rude to look down when I am speaking to you, lift your head and look at me or I will have my guys do it, your choice?"

When Lauren lifted her head the Morrigan jumped backwards out of her chair and put as much distance between her and Lauren as possible. She saw the emerald green eyes looking at her and she knew the myths. Evony pointed to the fae in the corner of her office who was currently awaiting his death, "He is facing death for killing other fae." Lauren turned and faced him. The next thing Evony knew there were pieces of his body all over her office and her. Bones, flesh, blood, was in her throw rug, embedded into the walls, and in her hair. "Lauren sweetie it's okay I know what you need. Just hang in there." Evony cautiously moved closer to her desk, Lauren kept her eyes on her never even blinking; she slowly leaned over and picked up her phone. She hit a number on her intercom, "Jade, Aurora, I need you to come to my office immediately." The Morrigan placed the phone back on the receiver and slowly stepped back, "I have something you need so just hold on."

A few minutes later the Morrigan's door opened and it was the first time Lauren peeled her eyes off of Evony. The seethe in her sensed something she needed. Jade had on tight blue spandex shorts with a sports bra, her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, sweat dripping down her obvious that she was just working out. Her twin sister Aurora was about 2" taller than Jade, she was wearing a similar outfit in grey; she had short auburn hair that was longer around her face and went shorter in the back. As soon as they walked in to the room they were looking at the Morrigan but quickly turned to face the Seethe they sensed immediately. Their eyes glazed over blue. The Morrigan saw this exchange and pushed into her two goons, "Go, go, go now," as she followed them out of her office door. Immediately out of the door she turned and faced them, "You fucking morons, you bring a Seethe here that could have been me in pieces all over the office. If I die I want to look as good as I do now."

The taller and bigger one threw his hands up innocently, "I sensed fae on her, and I figured it was because of all the fae she has been near. Seethe's are supposed to be myths." The Morrigan pointed towards her office door with her usual sarcasm, "Should I open the door, you can go in and tell her she is a myth, I'll wait out here. Let me know how it goes?" As she was standing by the door she heard the moaning start, "That didn't take long. Maybe all the myths on Seethe's are true." She started pacing back and forth. The smaller goon spoke softly for his size, "Morrigan, you are still covered in fae parts."

"Holy shit, how do I end up with fae like you?" Ignoring them talking mainly to herself she continued, "She was low on energy, the twins aren't going to last long." Her eyes lit up as she grabbed her cell phone, scrolling through the numbers she picked one and put the phone to her ear, "Hi Kaya, I have a little project for you."


Evony snapped out of her reminiscing as she saw Kaya get hit with a fire ball, stumbling back a few steps and releasing her hold on Bo. She looked towards her door and saw Kenzi standing there, "Boo-ya bitch!"

"Look the half bred sidekick is here, and she learned to control those powers. Now it's a party." Evony started walking towards Kenzi, Bo was just recovering, and Kaya was looking back and forth from Bo to Kenzi. The Morrigan went flying backwards hitting the wall. Kenzi, Kaya and Bo all got pushed on the wall to the right of the Morrigan. Lauren stood in the doorway holding up Shay who was slumped against her, looking at all four of them. "I would ask what's going on here but I just read your minds. I will release all of you as long as everyone plays nice."

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