Dark Bo

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Bo stood still disbelief flooding over her. No way could this man be her father. She felt the power he had and his demeanor told her that he wasn't mister nice guy. "You can't be" it was barely a whisper.

He turned his head slightly to the door behind him and called for someone. Less than a minute passed when this small, skinny, and what sort of resembled a man came out looking up at this guy claiming to be her father. Bo looked at the little guy, "You know Gollum from Lord of the Rings?"

Her father barely acknowledged her humor. She didn't care she was mainly trying to break the tension that was filling the air. The very least trying to ease her own discomfort at the man in front of her, she watched him with caution. He walked behind the half man that he called over put his hand over his mouth as he strangled the life out of him. Bo stood in horror at what the man in front of her was doing. She started to walk towards them to help the half man but her father stopped her, "No Bo, trust me and stay there." She looked away this was not something she wanted to see. His limp body fell in front of the man claiming to be her father's feet. He kneeled down over the body and put his hand over it while he started chanting. The strange little guy started to move again as he was slowly coming back to life.

"Impossible," Bo breathed out.

"Is it? Or did we not do the same thing together for your shifter friend?" He was standing again and dismissed his little minion. He kept a sturdy gaze on Bo. "After all child you sought me out first."

The brunette was stunned by what she just saw on top of the things he just said. She remembered somehow bringing Dyson back to life but she really didn't know the inner power she reached to do so. All she knew in that moment was she had to kill one of her friends, and she loved all her friends. There was no way she was going to let one of her friends die at her hand. His last words got Bo's attention, "How did I seek you out?"

"There were many times. The first time was when your lover's life was in danger by the Lich. You tapped into an energy you didn't know you had. A power you didn't understand. Your love for her made you reach out to me." He watched his daughter processing this information knowing the exact moment she changed. "There was a second time when you couldn't protect your lover and your friend; your lover broke our connection. The last time we combined powers so you could save the shifter."

The succubus felt like her head was spinning. She knew all the things he was talking about she remembered them clearly. Each time that happened she felt different, stronger. After the Dawning she felt new and better than ever. Her father was standing in front of her. The man she was dying to meet, the answer to her unexplained powers. Her brain felt like it was on overload. Here she was with her father, and that's when it hit her, "Where are we?"

He walked past his daughter standing slightly behind her. "You are in another realm. I was banished here long ago. When you reached out for me it made me start my search for you. After your Dawning and we connected I was able to cross the realms. Not in physical form but in essence. I was able to get you Bo." He spoke so clearly, his voice was deep; each word was pronounced slow making him that much creepier.

"Was I born here?"

"Yes, your mother was a prisoner here. She escaped her cell and took you. By the time I knew she was gone she had already escaped this realm. I tried to find you and then you found me." He continued slowly, "I tried to have you brought to me the Valkyrie I sent failed me, but she will be dealt with in time. What is most important is you are here now."

His words made Bo remember what was going on before she was yanked into the black smoke. Kenzi, Trick, Lauren, Dyson, Hale and Tamsin were all missing. The Morrigan called an all out war and she didn't know which one of her friends was safe and which ones weren't. She turned her attention back to her father, "Are you going to keep me prisoner here?"

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