Fighting Back

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Dyson was trying to figure out why Tamsin was speeding up. She claimed that the guy she was going after was Bo's father. His head was spinning he thought Lauren was going to betray him. He thought she had every reason to but she saved him and he hoped Bo got her out of that place. Somehow Tamsin found him and now they were speeding off a cliff. Then the worst feeling possible happened, he was surrounded by black smoke and it threw him violently out of the pickup. He was pretty positive he would have rather been in the truck going over that cliff then what was happening right now.

As the smoke engulfed him he felt like his limbs were being torn apart. The pain was excruciating. He was thrown with such extreme force from the smoke slamming into the ground at a dangerous speed. The shifter felt his right leg break the same time he felt his two left ribs crack, they pierced his lung and he took one huge gulp of air before his lung collapsed. His left shoulder dislocated as he continued to roll on the ground. Dyson heard a blood curdling scream and thought how terrible it sounded when he realized it was coming from him. The pain was severe and when he finally stopped rolling he couldn't move a muscle. This was bad, and he had no idea where Tamsin was.

Panic quickly set in as he turned his head trying to look around. He couldn't see her anywhere. Taking as deep a breathe as his one lung would allow he screamed out, "TAMSIN" Waiting he heard nothing sucking in breathe again he shouted louder, "TAMSIN" Still nothing, he tried to get up and screamed again, his leg had a compound fracture. He saw the bone sticking out of his thigh this was worse than he originally thought. Trying once more, "TAMSIN?"

"Shut up," the Valkyrie responded. He was happy to hear she was still alive but he still couldn't see her.

"Tamsin, are you okay?"

"Fucking great, I liked it so much better when I didn't give a shit about any of you. Can I go back to that now?"

He smiled to himself, despite light and dark politics he grew fond of his new partner although he did miss his old one. "Tamsin I am badly hurt, I can't get up, is there a way you can come over to me?"

"Sure as soon as I figure out how to get up with my left foot broken, my right ankle is broken, for kicks my left arm is also broken. Let me know when you figure out how I can get up and I'll be right over."

In that moment he knew how truly bad their situation was. They were in the middle of nowhere with no one coming for them anytime soon. Both had severe injuries and weren't even able to get up. He told the Valkyrie about his injuries. It hurt to talk but he knew it was best for them both to keep conscious, "Tamsin, that was Bo's father?"

"Yes, nice guy as you can tell. He hired me to bring Bo to him but I fucking had to go caring for this group of morons. I really never met people more stupid then you guys but yet here I am joining in on the idiot party. He is going to have me killed for this. This little shit show was just the beginning. Oh and did you see that bitch, Bo's ex because she is fae enemy number 1. They found a vile in the bar with her name on it. Not looking so good for the human."

Despite the pain he tried to sit up. It was impossible the broken ribs kept him down. "No, listen, it's a lie. Tamsin, she saved my life. Isaac Taft wanted her to take my DNA and put it into him. She made it look like she did but she put Cabbit DNA in him. It gave me the advantage to kill Taft. Lauren was a prisoner in a cell next to me, and she saved my life. If anyone wants her they are going to have to get through me. At least she is with Bo."

The blonde listened to Dyson as he talked she was completely shocked. She was wrong about the human doctor and felt bad about the last conversation she had with her. If she survived this she would have to tell Bo what she did telling Lauren about the kiss. She would also have to apologize to the human, she really hated that. "Dyson, Bo couldn't find her, she left without her she has no protection."

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