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Lauren left the room leaving Isaac and Dyson after the procedure. She knew Dyson would sense the Fae DNA she put in Isaac and would no doubt take care of him. Now she had to worry about herself, she was Fae enemy number one. This would be her one chance to run and free herself from the whole fae world. Grabbing the biggest duffle bag she could find and started to fill it with all the things she would need. Throwing in a bunch of clothes, water, whatever food she could grab that didn't need to be refrigerated, as much money as she could find, and fae scents that she would be able to use to prevent them from being able to track her.

She was putting the last of the supplies in the bag when in her peripheral vision she noticed Bo. She ducked down and hid, this was more painful then she was anticipating. Her heart ached to run to Bo, to run back into her arms, she always felt so safe there, but she had to let her go. She was foolish enough to think Bo would choose her over Dyson, a human over her own kind. Besides Dyson could sustain her, something she could never do. Her cheeks were warm from the tears that were slowly running down them. She thought the hardest thing she had to do was tell her she wanted a break, but seeing her now and not going to her was heartbreaking. This is what you do when you love someone, you put their happiness first, and that was Dyson. She had to accept that fact. She lifted herself up slightly to see if Bo was still there. Her heart fell when she saw that she was no longer there realizing she wasn't even going to try to find her, in that moment she got the answer she needed. She took Dyson's DNA that was extracted and destroyed it. Walking towards the back exit and turned back one last time, putting her hand on the door, simply whispering, "Good luck Bo."

As soon as she walked outside feeling the cool air on her face and looked up to the sky realizing this was the first time in as long as she could remember that she was standing outside free. No one's slave, no one to check with, from this point on everything she did was going to be because she chose to. She wished she could just savor this moment a little more but she had to move quickly, they would be hunting her soon. Knowing she had to take advantage of this head start, she reached into her duffel bag and pulled out one of the fae scents and opened it letting it trail behind her as she ran covering up her scent. Disappearing into the woods as fast as her feet would allow, weaving through trees and using fae scents as spread out as she could so that they wouldn't run out to quickly. After about an hour and half of running, jogging and walking exhaustion was creeping up on her. Sitting down in between some big trees and plants she took out some protein bars and water. Pulling a sweatshirt over her head as it started to get later and cooler out, this was not going to be easy.

After a fifteen minute break she got back up and started walking at a fast pace, she needed to find cover for the night or she was going to freeze. "Come on Lauren, think, now is not the time for your brain to shut down," she said to herself as she looked around. Two hours passed on and the sun was setting, and Lauren still didn't have a place to hide for the night or even to take cover in. Things weren't looking good for her, and she didn't want to think of the animals that would be coming out at night. Feeling defeated she sat down and brought her knees up to her chest and leaned into them wrapping her arms around them she started crying. Thinking of how things went so bad so fast, just a few months ago everything seemed to turn out so well for her. The new Ash was Hale, her friend, Dyson accepted Bo as just a friend, Kenzi finally started to like her, and she got Bo. It wasn't the same old story of the guy getting the girl at the end, it was her, and Bo picked her, it felt so surreal. She remembered Bo looking at her with determination in her eyes, "It's time." She remembered being confused and just repeating the words back to her, "It's time?" Bo standing there not moving, being so serious, keeping her eyes locked on Lauren's, "For us." Lauren remembered feeling the surprise, shock that she wanted her, how can this amazing fae want me, it was her happiest moment all she could say was, "Really."

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