18. The Grenade

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I groaned as we both tumbled to the ground in a mess. I pushed myself up from my hands to see I had landed right on top of Nathan, his body absorbing the hit.

I smirked at his pained face as he groaned.

"You have got to be the most abusive girlfriend ever." He said, shaking his head.

"Well that's what you get when you try to mess with the ninja." I grinned.

"You took advantage of my kindness." Nathan slightly pouted, his lips tempting me without knowing.

"You snooze you lose." I simply shrugged.

"Who even says that still." He gave me a look.

"Bob's your uncle." I simply shrugged.

"You mean Ryland." Nathan shot back, causing me to shrink back and cringe.

"Don't remind me." I gagged.

"Hey, you know that doesn't change anything, right? That has nothing to do with you, nor does it determine anything." He reached up and tenderly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think you're strong, resilient, and a breathtaking beauty that continued to flourish through the chaos. And I'm sorry about your father, I know how hard it probably is for you to take that all in. Just know that you aren't to blame for any of this, nor are you associated with the ugliness of it all." Nathan's soft words struck me out of nowhere, and in an instance, I could feel the repressed emotions break free to the surface.

His words were beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear. My heart swelled as I saw how perfectly he understood me and what I was feeling. Never had anyone described me in that light, and his words meant everything to me in that moment.

"Nathan, you're so good to me." I whispered, feeling pure affection for the man I was currently lying on top of. "You're so good for me." I added after, letting him stare into my adoring eyes.

"I just want to treat you right princess." He whispered back, his eyes a beautiful clear emerald green. "You're the most beautiful thing I've come across in my life, and I don't want to waste a single minute not appreciating it."

I could feel my heart racing against his chest but didn't try to pull away to conceal it. I let my love for him fully shine outwards instead of inwards. I wanted him to feel it, I wanted him to have it. And as these thoughts processed in my mind and I came to the halting realization that I truly was in love with this man, I let go of the millions of voices and thoughts following after. I simply let the strong growing emotion reside in my heart, instead of my head. All I could see in that moment were the piercing, yet comforting green eyes so full of life and emotion. All that mattered and all that existed was him in that moment, and I fully embraced it.

I love you.

I couldn't find my voice, so I leaned down gently, letting my emotions ripple through an electrifying kiss.

I could feel the same passion and emotion reverberating off of his own body and lips, and felt closer to him than ever before.

I wanted to tell him the three words now that I knew it was true. Yet I couldn't find my tongue, maybe because it was lost exploring Nathan's mouth, or because I feared ruining what we already had by throwing him off-guard. Adoration and love were two separate emotions, and I wasn't ready to risk what I had in front of me with three shocking words. So I remained present in the moment and continued to embrace every intricate touch, taste, and emotion I was experiencing for the man who had flipped my entire life. Those three big words were now permanent in my mind and weren't going to flutter away, and I knew there was no rush in me getting them out to him.

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