Stiles (medium)

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!Warning does start out a bit sad with Stiles but gets happier!

"(Y/N) why are you with me?" Stiles turned to look at you with a sad face, his question to you by surprise everything was going perfectly fine. You both were both were having plenty of fun doing random things around his house.

"I don't understand Stiles. What do you mean why am I with you?" You questioned, twisting your body to face him better.

"Why do you stay with me, I can't protect you like Scott could. In not strong or of any value like everyone is." He said, he turned his face away to look at the ground. Though his voice was filled with sadness, and almost of anger.

"Well Scott was already taken, and I thought wrecking his relationship may not be the best way to get him." You said trying to joke, hoping maybe this sad joke would get a laugh from him. You looked back down at to see he had slumped farther down, making you feel bad. "Stiles look at me" you said putting your hand on his back. When he looked at you he had a single tear slipping down his cheek, and it looked like any second he would lose control.

"I'm sorry I can't..." He trailed off stuttering over every syllable.

"Stop I wasn't serious. You want to know why I'm still with you. Because I'm crazy in love with you! Everything about you! I love your smile, your laugh, your inability to leave someone behind. Even if that someone is your jeep, you're so loyal. You're stubborn but in the best way possible! You're smart, like super smart! You may not get the best grades... But when it comes to detective work you put Sherlock to shame! And of of course you aren't strong like Scott, Stiles you are so much stronger than him! Look at you sitting here in front of me after everything that has happened. Who else could have survived the monsters we've seen with only his smarts and a bat. Stiles I don't think any of us could have survived the Nogitsune but here you are alive, and not thriving but living. You have friends, family, and me. Stiles you are the strongest most amazing person I know and you question why I'm still with you?" Once you stopped speaking it felt like you had been holding your breath the whole time. But you had meant every single word you said not even getting to some of the points you had. You finally looked at Stiles face not realizing you had looked away at a wall. You just got sidetracked by what you were saying.

"(Y/N)... You mean it?" Stiles whispered his voice sounding slightly hoarse.

"I take back the Sherlock thing of you think I didn't mean a thing I just said." You chuckled wrapping your arms around him.

"I never really thought about it that way. I just..." Stiles trailed off as he burst into tears.

"Babe, what is it?" You got worried that maybe he still didn't believe you.

"I love you too!" He said loudly turning around in your arms. A huge smile grew on your face as he said this. You let go of him only to grab his face and and pull him closer, meeting him half way you almost literally smashed your lips into his to kiss him. He kissed you back immediately, putting his arms around you to pull you closer which didn't seem to possible.

You both eventually pulled away, breathing heavily. "Stiles please try not to doubt yourself anymore because I love you and I know no one else thinks you're weak and useless." He nodded and you both pulled each other closer into a tight hug.

Got inspired to write after reading something about Stiles doubting himself, and just thinking he has felt useless. These are just a few pointed I have to why Stiles is amazing.

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