Derek - long (selfignitingimagines) ✔

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Derek smiled as he watched you laughing on the couch with Lydia. He hadn't heard what she'd said, but whatever it was must have been pretty funny because you were doubled over and holding your sides.
"No way," you were saying between laughs.
"Yes," Lydia told you. "That was one of my more...entertaining dates."
"This is why I don't date," you told her.
"Damn," Theo remarked, sitting down on the couch next to you. "Think you could make an exception for me?"
You rolled your eyes. "In your dreams Raeken," you told him with a smiled.
"See you tonight then," Theo said with a wink.
Derek frowned at Theo, feeling jealously flare up inside him. He knew it wasn't his place to be jealous, after all you were merely a close friend of his. But he didn't like how much interest Theo showed in you and he hadn't liked the guy to begin with. Theo's constant attempts to flirt with you didn't help that either.
Derek knew you weren't actually interested in Theo, but you were too nice to tell him to back off, and you only saw it as harmless flirting anyway. Still, Theo was beginning to try and get closer to you, and it was starting to piss Derek off.
"Hey, Y/n, can you come help me with the brownies?" Derek called.
You turned around and raised your eyebrows. "You know the directions are on the box, right?"
"I don't want to burn them," Derek lied.
"You're hopeless," you told him with a smile, shaking your head.
Much to Theo's dismay, you hopped off the couch and Derek smirked as he saw the guy glaring at him. Derek shot him a pointed look and followed you back into the kitchen, determined to not let Theo steal you away from him.
"Why are you smiling so much?" you asked him, giving him a weird look. "You're never this smiley."
"Just excited I have someone who actually knows how to cook in my kitchen," he told you.
You raised your eyebrows. "Is it because I'm a girl?" you asked.
Derek's eyes widened. "No! That's not what I-"
You laughed, which caused Derek's heart to swell.
"I'm just kidding sourwolf," you told him, patting his chest. "You know I don't mind baking for you. Come over here, I'll show you a few things."
Derek smiled and walked over to you, letting you teach him how to crack an egg with one hand. You finally got the brownies finished, pouring them into the pan as Derek licked some batter from the spoon.
You laughed when you looked up at him, seeing that he had a smudge of batter on his mouth.
"What?" he asked, looking utterly ridiculous.
"You've got a little something there," you told him, pointing to his lip.
He reached up to wipe it off, but he didn't get all of it. You smiled and rolled your eyes, reaching up to get it for him. You had stand on your tiptoes since he was so much taller than you, and you grabbed his shoulder for support.
You ran your thumb across his lip, wiping the rest of the batter off, and that was when you noticed him staring into your eyes. "What?" you asked.
"I, uh...I..." Derek suddenly found himself at a loss for words. Was he really going to do this? Was he going to come out and admit his feelings for you? "I wanted to ask if you-"
"Hey, Y/n!" Theo called from the living room. "Are you gonna come and watch the movie or are you just going to hang out with Derek?"
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," you called, looking back to Derek. "What were you saying?"
"Nothing," he told you, looking at the ground. "It's not important."
"Oh," you said, frowning a little. "Okay."
You walked back into the living room, flashing him a soft smile that didn't meet your eyes. As you sat down on the couch next to Theo, Derek couldn't help but feel that you were disappointed.
Theo smirked at him as you returned to your place next to him, and Derek gritted his teeth. Theo was trying to steal you from him, and he was winning.

"These are really good," Scott told Derek, shoving half of a brownie into his mouth. "Like, really good."
Derek shrugged. "Y/n did all the work."
"They're amazing," Theo said. "Just like you."
He winked at you and you rolled your eyes, brushing off what was probably his fifth attempt at flirting with you tonight. "Well I'm glad you like them."
"I do, but I like you more," Theo informed you, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
Derek couldn't suppress the growl that slipped past his lips, and oddly enough, Lydia was the only one who noticed it. She tilted her head, looking at Derek with questioning green eyes. "What was that for?" she asked softly.
"Are you not seeing that?" he asked bitterly.
She eyed you and Theo, watching him playfully flirt with you. You were pretty much of oblivious to it, positive he was only joking. "Okay," Lydia said. "Do something about it then."
"Me?" Derek asked. "What am I going to do?"
Lydia shot him a look. "You have got to be kidding me. You think no one sees the way you look at her? You know she likes you, she just doesn't know how to say it. Apparently neither do you."
She looked back at you, laughing at something Theo had just said. "You should just tell her how you feel before it's too late."
Just as Lydia said this, Derek caught sight of Theo leaning closer to you. One of his arms rested around you shoulders, and he was staring at your lips, almost like he was trying to kiss you...
Derek crossed the room in about three long strides, shoving Theo away from you. He may have done it a little too hard, and Theo slammed into the couch, crying out, "What the hell?" but Derek didn't even care.
"Derek, what are you-"
He grabbed you gently by the wrist, tugging you closer and slamming his lips onto yours. He waited for you to respond before he did anything more, and after what felt like forever you finally did, much to his relief. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him head farther down, marveling at how soft his lips were.
He wrapped an arm around you and pressed you flush against his chest, not caring how many pack members were staring at the two of you. Finally you broke the kiss, catering to nothing more than your desperate need for air.
"Why didn't you say anything?" you breathed, your arms resting gently around his neck.
Derek shrugged. "I'm not very good with words," he told you, pulling you in for another kiss.

DISCLAIMER: Selfignitingimagines on Tumblr gave me permission to use there imagines in my book. All rights go to them! As well as thank you for letting me use them.

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