Derek - Long (selfigniting)

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Derek shot a glance over his shoulder at the clock, anxiously counting down the seconds until it hit 8:00. It was only 7:54, but every minute Derek waited felt like an eternity. He was beyond nervous, and he was sure he was sweating right through his button down.
He looked back towards the mirror and frowned at his loose tie. No matter how many times he tried, he couldn't seem to tighten it the right way, and he had already ripped a different one in the process. He blamed it on the nerves, but he was confused as to why exactly he was so anxious. Derek Hale didn't get nervous and he certainly didn't get nervous over women, but you were the one exception.
Maybe it was because you had saved his life one too many times and he felt anxious to prove that he wasn't a damsel in distress. Or maybe it was the fact that you just kept showing up around him, seeing him literally everywhere and causing him to get more flustered than he had ever been in his life.
You were strong, beautiful and you were one of the first girls he had fallen for that hadn't tried to kill him. Maybe that was why he was hellbent on impressing you, but as he looked into the mirror, he still couldn't get that goddamn tie right.
A loud vibrating noise caused Derek to forget about the tie for the moment and he picked up his phone with a sigh. His eyes narrowed as he saw that it was Stiles and he groaned out loud.
"What?" he barked.
"Hey, Derek!" Stiles said, sounding way too happy as usual. "We just wanted to know if you wanted to take a night off from eating raw rabbits and brooding and come watch a movie at Scott's."
"I have plans," Derek said humorlessly.
"Ah, too many rabbits, huh?" Stiles asked.
"Sure, but if you want to come over I could bite your head off instead," Derek offered smoothly.
"You know what?" Stiles told him. "You don't sound as moody as usual. I bet you have a date tonight."
"Stiles, are you finished?"
"You do don't you?" Stiles demanded. "I totally called it. It's Y/n, isn't it?"
"Wh-shut up," Derek said, feeling his face begin to get hot. "How did you know that?"
"She turned Malia down for the movie night offer too," Stiles told him.
"Well I've got a lot of better things to do-"
"Derek's got a girlfriend and it's Y/n!" Stiles sang out in the middle of Scott's living room.
Derek could hear cheers erupting on the other end of the line and he growled under his breath.
"Hey, have fun dude," Stiles told him. "Oh, wait, Lydia wants to know where you're taking h-"
A loud knock sounded at the door of the loft, and Derek quickly hung up the phone, causing Stiles to blink on the other end of the line. "Derek? Derek, are you there? I think he hung up on me!"
Meanwhile in the loft, Derek swallowed thickly and walked over to the door. He pulled it open, trying to muster up the confidence of an alpha, but he was sure he looked like an idiot. You gave him a bright smile and Derek nearly choked at how beautiful you looked. You were dressed in a simple skirt and top, but Derek thought no one had ever pulled that off so well.
"Um, hey," you said after a few seconds.
"Sorry," Derek apologized, realizing he had just been staring at you for like, half a minute. "Hey. You look gorgeous."
"You don't look too bad either," you said. "So no supernatural drama tonight?"
"No, thank god," Derek said as you followed him into the loft. "Pack movie night."
"Malia told me about that," you informed him. "And Lydia was very excited I turned it down. I'm pretty sure she wants me to take down a log of everything we do tonight."
"Well I hope it'll be worth writing down," Derek told you with a small smile. "I just have to get my keys and we can go."
"Ok-oh, uh..." you gestured forward, and Derek looked down at his tie.
His face went bright red, and he made a mental note to kill Stiles for distracting him later. You watched Derek fumble with his tie, and laughed softly.
"Here, let me," you offered.
You reached forward with a smile, tightening Derek's tie effortlessly. You smiled at him, and even though he was dying from embarrassment on the inside, he couldn't help but smile too.
"What would I do without you?" he asked.
You shrugged. "Probably die."
"Well I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," he told you.
"Eh, don't mention it. Kate's a sociopathic bitch who needs to be put in the ground. The right person will find her one day and do everyone a favor."
"I hope so," Derek told you. "But I don't wanna talk about Kate now. I just wanna talk about you."
"Me?" you questioned. "I'm not that interesting. You on the other hand, a brooding, former alpha werewolf? I bet you have a lot of stories."
Derek grinned. "Let's go then."

"I can't believe you dumped your drink on that waiter," you said with a laugh as you collapsed onto Derek's bed.
"He wouldn't stop looking down your shirt," Derek complained as he laid down over the comforter beside you. "And he asked you for your number. We were on a date!"
"A pretty good one too, until you dumped your drink on him," you giggled. "Lydia would be proud."
"Was it too much?" Derek asked you.
"No," you told him with a smile. "I think that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."
Derek smiled and you scooted closer to him. It had been a pretty great night, even with the creepy waiter, and you were glad you agreed to the date. It had finished a while ago, but neither you or Derek were ready to say goodbye yet. All night, it was like you hadn't been able to stop talking to each other, so you had opted to skip the planned movie. That turned out to be a very good decision, and Derek couldn't imagine going out with another girl ever again.
"I'd do it again," he told you. "But maybe next time we won't do dinner."
"So there's gonna be a next time?" you asked.
"Oh, definitely," Derek told you, causing you to blush.
He leaned forward, and you looked over at him as his face got closer to yours. You closed your eyes and felt his lips meet yours, and you instantly sighed into the kiss. His lips were soft and warm, not at all what you would have expected the first time you met him. But you weren't complaining, and you figured you could have stayed like that forever if your phone hadn't started to ring.
You pulled it out of your purse and saw that it was Lydia, just as Derek's phone started to buzz. "It's Lydia."
"Stiles," he stated as he looked at his caller I.D. "Why would they be calling at the exact same time?"
"Well," you said. "Either something really bad happened, or I may have made the mistake of telling Lydia when this date would end. And I'm guessing she told everyone else."
Derek tilted his head with a smile. "Well, it doesn't have to end now."
You grinned. "I like the way you think Hale."
Derek's smile widened, and he leaned forward to press his lips onto your again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and practically melted into him as he rested his hands on your hips. Your phones continued to buzz, but for the moment neither of you cared. You were confident you would be able to tell Lydia all about it tomorrow afternoon, and you would definitely have a lot to say.

Thank you to selfignitingimagines on Tumblr who allows me to use her imagines in the book. I am currently in exam time and will be done Monday! Then I will try to start writing more, after I'm done handing in last assignments and taking exams. This is for alisharman394 who requested Derek. 

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