This is something that changed as well in Jeongguk’s life. Before, the mention of Taehyung’s name only made him feel giddy. But now he feels more things. He just doesn’t feel giddy. He feels lots of emotions like being nervous, happy, excited, and also a feeling of wanting to be close and to be with him all the time. He’s in too deep, he knows.

Jeongguk made a shooing motion to Jimin so that he could change out. He picked a red plaid shirt, wearing white shirt underneath, and black jeans. As usual, he wore his favourite pair of vans even though it’s filthy as fuck.


Their friends were already waiting downstairs for them and they didn’t waste any more time so they just left without any proper greeting for each other.

Namjoon is driving the van (not sure where he got it). Jeongguk went to sit at the very back because his brain is still sleeping and he doesn’t want any human interactions this early. It's 6:30 am he have no energy this early. He doesn’t even wake up this early for school.

“You awake there?” Jeongguk turned to his right side and saw Taehyung looking at him with raised brows. Jeongguk blushed suddenly as he became aware of their shoulders and thighs touching.

“Not really.” Jeongguk said with a sigh before turning his attention back to the view outside. He can’t be distracted by Taehyung right now or else…

“Want me to wake you up?” Jeongguk’s head suddenly snapped towards Taehyung and he saw him smirking. Jungkook blushed even more as dirty thoughts flashed through his head, waking him up. At least it worked.

Taehyung started laughing when Jeongguk just stared at him, blushing. When Jeongguk didn’t say anything, Taehyung just gave him his brightest smile that can make the sun so envious. Jeongguk melted being the receiving end of that smile. Taehyung turned his attention at the front while Jeongguk remained staring at Taehyung. Jeongguk took this time to admire Taehyung. He always does. Taehyung is to be admired and to be appreciated. And Jeongguk will do it anytime.


The trip to the fun fair was short and they all jumped out of the van excitedly when they finally reached their destination.

“We should split in groups because there are too many of us if we go together.” Namjoon said. But they all know he just wants to be alone with Jin. Jeongguk is ok with that because he gotta admit, he doesn’t like seeing his hyungs eating each other’s faces. By that he means aggressively making out.

They all agreed and started talking who’s going with who. Before they can even say anything Taehyung suddenly blurted out “I wanna go with Jeonggukie!” They all gave Taehyung and Jeongguk raised brows before they said ok and for them to have fun. Before they both left, Jimin didn’t forget to give Jeongguk a wink. Jeongguk groaned internally before following the enthusiastic Taehyung.

Taehyung wanted to ride the rollercoaster first. He said it’ll wake up Jeongguk. Jeongguk just agreed and did whatever Taehyung wanted to do. He just let him tell him what to do and he does it with no complains and hesitation. As long as he’s with Taehyung, he’s happy.

Taehyung also made Jeongguk play in archades to win him prizes. Jeongguk finally put his skills into use and got Taehyung five stuff toys. Including a huge ass teddy bear. Taehyung can barely carry all of them and Jeongguk took them without a word and carried them all by himself.

“Thank you, Jeonggukie! You would be such a nice boyfriend.” at the mention of boyfriend, Jeongguk froze. He doesn’t exactly know why but there are suddenly butterflies in his stomach. he may or may not have thought of being Taehyung’s boyfriend.

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