Chapter 1

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"Jeon Jeongguk, get your ass here!"

Jimin, Jeongguk's best friend and roommate, has been yelling his name for the past half an hour already. Jeongguk just wants a peaceful sleep, but with Jimin as his roommate, peaceful sleep doesn't exist.

Jeongguk groans for what seems like the fifteenth time. This time, he finally decided to get up and see what's bothering Jimin so early in the morning.

Jeongguk gets up from his bed, silently cursing Jimin in his head. He drags his feet and opens the door of his room and went out to look for Jimin.

Jimin is currently standing in the middle of the living room, with blankets and some trash that awfully looks like used condoms. The current state of their living room made Jeongguk grimace.

"What's going on?" Jeongguk asks, slightly confused. Jimin turns around to face him with a very annoyed look on his face. Jeongguk suddenly wishes that he never asked.

"Can you explain what in the living hell happened here?" Jimin yells again, sounding exasperated, even though Jeongguk is already in front of him. He spreads out his arms as if gesturing at the whole living room.

"What?" Jeongguk asks again, now slightly confused but also feeling irritated because he just woke up and he really cannot handle Jimin yelling at him until his ears fall off. Also, he doesn't see why this is his problem and why he's being yelled at in the first place.

"Did you do the deed on my couch? My holy couch?" Jimin shouts, scrunching his face in disgust and slightly in agony. Jeongguk would've laughed at the face Jimin is making right now but the other really seems genuinely mad.

Now that Jimin has mentioned it, the events from last night, with a faceless stranger that he brought home from the club, came back to him and he groans because he can't believe he would leave such mess behind like this. Usually, he has the decency to at least throw the condom away. Now he can't blame Jimin for yelling at him.

"I'm sorry?" Jeongguk says, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, what's done is done. I'll just have to bleach my brain and my eyes to forget that I've ever seen what your dirty juice looks like. Oh my god, I am disgusted. Come clean this up," Jimin says, sounding defeated.

Jeongguk gives Jimin an apologetic smile before the other retreated back to his own room.

Looking back at the mess he made last night, he shakes his head in disgust before diligently cleaning them up.

After about an hour, Jeongguk is finally done and he steps back to look at his work. At least it looks way more decent this time, no condoms or anything else from his dirty shenanigans last night.

Jimin, as if in on cue, walks out of his room and examines the living room with critical eyes. His face softens and Jeongguk knows Jimin is satisfied.

"You're actually a good cleaner. You might as well clean our apartment regularly from now on," Jimin says teasingly, winking at Jeongguk before grabbing his coat that was hanging behind the door.

"You wish," Jeongguk says with a roll of his eyes as he watches Jimin put on his pair of sneakers. "Where are you going?"

Jimin pauses from tying the knot of his shoe and looks up at Jeongguk with raised brows.

"Aren't you coming? Yoongi hyung's party, remember?"

"You know I'm really not into parties, especially college parties. I only go out when I'm stressed and when I'm in need for some relief," Jeongguk says with a roll of his eyes as if this should be obvious.

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