Chapter 14

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*Ellie's POV-Two weeks later*

   "Hey guys, Sky here, and welcome to another challenge video. Today, we are doing the 'What's in my Mouth Challenge?' And today, we are being joined by Red, Barney and my sister, Ellie." We all waved as he introduced us. "So, I'm going to be sticking random things in their mouths, so lets see how this goes. Blindfolds on!" Adam said.

    Max winked at me from behind the camera. He apparently was going to take me out to lunch later, so he decided to watch me do a challenge video. I rolled my eyes at him and tied my blindfold behind my head. 

   "Dudes, just knows that ifs I spit it on you, it's nots my faults." Barney said, tying his blindfold. I put mine on and could see nothing but darkness. I could hear Adam walking around, finding random stupid things.

    "Okay, Red! Open up!" Adam said in a sing-song voice. Red opened his mouth and made loud noises to let us know.

   "It's a twissue!" Red said, his voice blocked and muffled by what I assume was a tissue in his mouth. Barney and I both busted out laughing at his voice before something was shoved in my mouth.

    "Really, Adam? A stick of deodorant? Real mature." I spit it out and rolled my eyes, even if he couldn't see me.

*Time skip to towards the end of the challenge.*

   "Okay, so this will be the last one for todays video, and I think it should go to Ellie." Adam said, to what I'm assuming was the camera. I opened my mouth hesitantly after the last time of him putting a dog bone in my mouth.

   I heard footsteps and what sounded like resistance, so I'm very afraid of what is about to be put in my mouth. The shuffling stops and I could feel someone's presence in front of me. Assuming that it is Adam, I open my mouth a little wider so he can put something ridiculous (GET YO MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER!) into my mouth. The person's breath hitches as they take in a gust of air, coming towards my face.

    Suddenly, a pair of lips are on mine. I gasp and try to pull back, only to be pushed forward by whom I can tell is Adam. The other person in front of me tried to pull away too, only to be pushed as well, into me. Both our lips are unmoving, just sitting here in an awkward kiss.

   My blindfold is removed and I can see the bright ginger hair in front of my face. Max's eyes are open as well, staring back into mine. I slowly push my lips back against his. His eyes close and so do mine as we both respond to the kiss.

    "OTP!" Adam yells from behind me.

~Mithzan/Max: After Sky Media~ (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now