11 ; waiting for superman

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Calm and comfortable, I laid next to Paul. His heat radiated, and we barely noticed the buzz in the kitchen, Jacob and Bella's chat that got louder, before it was quiet again.

We hadn't noticed a thing, cuddled.

"You think it's love?" he finally wondered.

I thought carefully. It was more than whatever I had with Jared, though he still filled my thoughts some days, but it was less than Jasper. Maybe love wasn't the same for each person, maybe that's why I love Tyler, but would never date him. Maybe that's why I always felt a difference when I thought of mom and when I thought of dad.

"I think it is," I finally concluded. "Just a different kind."

The word  imprint loomed above our heads, but he waved it off with a kiss to my nose. 

"It's enough though."

"More than enough."

Calm again.

I shut my eyes, breathing softly, leaning my head against Paul's naked chest. I heard him intake a sharp breath, and suddenly he was sitting up. 

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting up as well as he scrambled off the bed, naked. 

"Leech," he sneered. He quickly placed on his boxers, and I placed my feet on the floor. "It's not the red haired though," he mumbled. He turned around, coming face to face with me. After a moment, he picked up his shirt, dressing me in it. "Stay here."

He scrambled off, and I frowned.

"Yeah right," I scoffed, placing on a new pair of underwear, and following him.

Paul stood at the last stair protectively, not allowing Jacob, Bella or the black haired girl through. The girl's tiny frame, the pixie cut dark hair, the pale skin of her limbs, it was familiar, I just couldn't figure out where from, until it clicked-- "Alice?"

Paul turned to watch me, eyes wary of the vampire. I placed a hand on his arm, and Alice Cullen turned to watch me, black eyes filled with surprise. 

"Paul, the treaty," I spoke carefully. "It's their territory."

"I know," he mumbled, grabbing my hand and dragging me to his side. 

"We need to let Sam know," Jacob told Paul. "It changes everything."

"Ashley, I cannot be here now," voice strained, Paul spoke. "Not with the leech here," he sneered hatefully, and Bella flinched. "I need to leave. Will you be joining me, or will you stay here?"

I hesitated for a moment, intrigued by the reason Alice was there, but I couldn't let myself have a place for forgiveness or false hope regarding the Cullens. 

"Wait for me in the car? I'll pack a bag," I said. "I'll stay until the end of spring break."

Paul nodded, kissing me lightly before scrambling off. 

"I can't believe you slept with him," Jacob mumbled.

"Shut up," I shot at him. "Are you coming with us?"

"Yeah," he spoke, eyes weary. "Enjoy your time, Bella," he wished her bitterly. Jacob left the house, going to my car. 

"Really?!" Alice's voice surprised me. "You become best friends with the werewolf-" she pointed at Bella- "and you... you--!"  she pointed at me, unable to finish the sentence.

"Yes, I'm fucking with the werewolf." I snapped, voice sharp and cold. No forgiveness.

"Are you two complete idiots?"  she exploded, "a family of vampires leave town, and you find a new monster to hang out with?!"

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