20. "boi la la loo"

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Lucas pov
I was picking Maya up from cheer practice, I pulled up and saw Tyler talking to Maya. I knew she was uncomfortable so I honked my horn and go out  of the car angrily. Maya tried not to walk fast as she got in my car and calmed me down so I wouldn't kill him for stalking her. As the two of us got in car he yelled,


thats it he is a dead man but Maya stopped me by just one look, she turned her head in my direction and stared at me and raised an eyebrow.

Maya pov
He wasn't worth my time or Lucas' so I wasn't about to let Lucas kill him even though that would be a great show. Oh well I just wanted to go home I'm tired as fuck after a long ass cheer practice and then this its just no, it's hard being me believe it or not. I buckled my seat belt and sat in front and but my bags in the trunk bed. Before we pulled away my eyelids began to feel heavy as I felt my head hit the door and my seat belt holding my torso in place.

Lucas pov
we were at a light and I looked over and saw Maya asleep in the passenger seat, I heard beeping I guess I was stopped to long. mayas eyelids started to flutter open as I mentally face palm myself.

Maya pov
I pretended not to notice Lucas staring at me even though it was obvious.
(smooth Lucas smooth)
We came to a stop and he pulled in my driveway, my house was small and cozy and nice in and out for its size it could be better but I wasn't gonna complain. 

"thanks he haw see ya later"

i said closing the door I turned around facing the headlights and I waved. but before I knew it I heard a car door slam and I turned around and felt familiar and comforting lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled my waist closer to his body with his hands. we started walking backwards. I broke it when my ass hit the doorknob.

(twaimz YouTube video reference comment if you no what I'm talking about you may continue)

"um I uh thanks for the ride I'm just gonna ya no I uh I'm gonna go inside now bye"

I said stuttering really fastly I ran up to my room and closed the door while throwing my bag on the floor and face planting on my bed screaming into my pillow. ugh stupid stupid Lucas friar got me all like..

"boi la la loo"

(Impersonates Tasmanian devil and does jazz hands)

Lucas pov
Maya broke the kiss when she hit the door and went inside, I was honestly debating going to her up the stairs on the side of her house and up to her window. she has me all like...

"boi la la loo"

(Impersonates Tasmanian devil and does jazz hands.. just like maya)

im posting this on my birthday 😏😏 lol 14 party hard anyways I gotta zayn don't forget to comment and vote luv ya byyyeee -Aubree

Aubree editing  at 1:51 am that day: it's not ur birthday anymore more dumb ass...

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