"Awe Chloe, Glenn doesn't hate you." I said as I sat down next to her as she wrapped away her tears as she looked up at me.

"Then why did he yell at me?" She asked as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

"Because he was worried about you. He loves you Chloe. Your like his baby sister." I said as I layed my head on hers.

"Really?" She asked looking up at me. I smiled and nodded my head with a small smile. Chloe cheered as she stood up and ran back to the camp. I smiled as I got up and followed closely behind.

...Chloe pov...

I ran with Zoe and Beth behind me a so ran to camp to find Glenn. As I got to the camp I saw everyone except Glenn. I ran to daddy who was cutting up some squirrel. I guess he had gotten back from his hunt.

"Daddy?" I asked as I sat down next to him as I watch him cut the squirrels.

"Mm." He mumble as he continued to cut the squirrel.

"Have you seen Glenn?" I asked looking up at him.

"I dont know go ask Rick maybe he knows." He said. I nodded my head and kissed daddy on the cheek before running towards the group and straight to Rick. I tugged on on Rick sleeves getting his attention as he was talking to Lori.

"Yeah sweetie?" He asked as he bent down to my level.

"Have you seen Glenn?" I asked as I put my hands together.

"Yeah he's in the r.v." He said. I nodded my head with a smile as I took off running to the r.v. as I ran in I saw Glenn sitting at the table.

"Hey Chloe." He said as he caught my attention. I smiled and crawled into tye seat on the other side of the table.

"Hey." I said as Zoe jumped on the site with me as I petted her head.

"Looks Chloe Im really sorry about earlier I was just-"

"I forgive you." I said getting out my seat as I walked to Glenn side and hugged him. I heard Glenn let out a sign as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I was just worried about you. I don't want anything happing to you." He said as he pulled away.

"Your like the baby sister I wish I had." He said kissing my forehead. 

"That what Beth said." I said with a laugh casuing Glenn to smile.

"So are we good?" Glenn asked. I smiled and kissed Glenn cheek and ran out of the r.v. As I ran I looked behind me to see that Glenn wasn't behind me. As I turned my attention back to the fornt the only thing I saw was a shocked look from Carl before I found myself on the ground holding my head.

"Owch!" I said as I looked to Carl who was on his butt in front of me. I smiled a little as Carl glared at me.

"You better run Chloe." I heard Rick say. Looking I saw him nodding to Carl. I looked back on Carl he was slowly getting up.

"Uh-oh" I said before I got up the ground and took off running towards the barn. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I ran behind the barn and quickly ducked down into a bunch of wood.

"Chloe?" I heard Carl as I coverd my mouth making sure not to make any noise.

"Chloe where are you?!" Carl shouted his voice felling with worrie. I was about to move out of my hiding spot when a cold hand grabbed my shoulder. I let out a scream as I tryed to get the hand on of me.

"Chloe!" Carl shouted as I heard him getting it my hiding spot.

"Help!" I yelled as the hand kept pulling me closer to the barn.

"Um hold on!" Carl shouted as he lefted leaving me along.

...Carl pov...

I ran to camp as fast as I could trying not to waste any time. As I reached camp I ran straight to my dad.

"Dad! Come quick!" I shouted grabbing his arm and pulling him after me.

"What wrong?" He asked as the group now has our attention.

"Walker!" I shouted. "A walker has Chloe!" I shouted as I let go of dads arm and took off running to the barn. I heard footsteps coming up from behind me, looking I saw it was dad with nothing but worry on his face. I stopped running as we reached the barn.

"Carl! Go get Daryl!" Dad shouted. I nodded my head and took of running towards Daryl little camp that was far enough away from ours. As I ran I saw Daryl sitting next the fire messing with his arrows but quickly stopped as he looked over at me.

"Chloe.......needs......you......" I breathed out as I put my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

"Where is she?" He asked standing up with his cross bow. I pointed to the barn where we saw the group standing around it. I watched as Daryl took off running towards the barn with me follwoing. As we reached the barn Daryl instantly took Chloe out of dad arm.

"What happened?" Daryl asked as he rubbed Chloe back.

"There walkers in the barn. One grabbed her." I answered for everyone as no one said anything. Daryl put Chole on the ground and started to look over her.

"She not bit nor scratched." Dad said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Daryl nodded his head and picked Chloe back up and walked away.

"So tell me Rick are you okay with this?" Shane asked making me roll my eyes.

"Im not but we're guess here this is Hershel land." Dad said looking to the barn.

"So we're supposed to sit this one out and not worry about anything that going on?! When there a barn full of walkers?!" Shane yelled his face started to get red.

"I didn't say that!" Dad shouted looking to Shane.

"Ill talk to Hershel in the morning." He said as the group walked away expect Shane and Dad.

"You want to wait the night?!" Shane shouted casuing mom wrapped her arms around me causing me to jump slightly.

"I just need some time to talk to Hershel. Get this sorted out." Dad said. Shane shook his head and stormed off.

"Baby why don't you go and cheek on Chloe." Mom said as she looked to dad then me. I nodded my head and walked away heading towards Daryl camp but stopped. I shook my head and walked to the r.v. instead. I know Daryl property wants to be along with little Chloe.

Hey guys so I didn't know how the end out the chapter so I'm just going to end it here.

Hope yall enjoy!

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