Chapter 16: Chunin Exam part Three

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Two days had passed in Hidan's company,  as I waited for my wounds to heal. Time it felt as if it passed by slowly, yet two days had passed by in no time at all.

With a little help with some of the training I had with my mother,  my wounds had healed completely only leaving slight scars behind. I of course would have to explain them, and my absence to my parents and god father,  but I would deal with that when the time came.

For now I had to worry about the Chunin exams, if I didn't make it on time I would have to wait even longer for the next Chunin exams. I had really missed Onryo during my time with Hidan, I wonder how big he has gotten during my absence.

"Hidan, tell me out your god" I asked him, as we sat next to the long dead fire. Eating our morning meal, thought he only had a single bite of food before putting the rest a side. "Lord Jashin is a god who revels at the sight of blood, and seeks his followers to give him such through sacrifice " He said simply, as he tossed his left overs away.

"How do you become a follower of Jashin?" At my question he immediately perked up, turning to me with a smirk. "It is forbidden to tell anyone, unless they convert to Jashinism first" He laughed darkly, slightly creeping me out but I have become used to his weird creepy-ness.

A few hours later I was on my way back to the village,  the exams were to start tomorrow morning and luckily Hidan had agreed to leave me alone for a few days. The condition in which I had to agreed to in order to gain said peace, was...... how should I put it.... unusual you could say.

In return for him leaving me alone for until the exams were done, I had agreed to return here once I had completed the last part of the exams. An odd request from Hidan, but I wasn't about to give up an opportunity such as this.

I had made it back to gramps house by nightfall, and by sneaking into my room via the window. I had managed to avoid the no doubt long and boring talk, and my explanation to everyone. As soon as my feet touched the floor Onryo was up, and wide awake, his teeth bared. "Creed!" He shouted joyously, and I quickly shushed him quiet.

"Shhhhhh, not so loud you'll wake everyone up" I said as I sat down on my bed, removing my shoes. "Where have you been?" Onryo asked as he jumped up onto the bed, his massive form taking up most of the queen size bed.

"I was training on my own, working on a new jutsu and I couldn't risk anyone getting hurt" I told him as I ruffled the pure white fur upon his head."I was perfectly fine the whole time, the reason that I didn't come home is because I couldn't waste any time when I could be training" I told him as I curled up next to him, in what little amount of space was left.

"I understand,  just please let me know next time if you're going to disappear again" He said as I started to drift off to sleep, and in no time at all I was off in a deep sleep dreaming of the up coming exams.

I was standing in the arena with the other contestants,  I had woken early in order to avoid every and told Onryo to stay in my room. Telling him that I would summon him if I needed him, and so he agreed to stay put and not tell anyone a thing. Once the announcements where made, all but two of us went up to the waiting area.

It was my turn when an explosion, in the hokage's box shook the entire arena. Just as I was about to attack my opponent,  but as I was distracted they took the opportunity to attack and stab me in the chest with a kunai.

I fell to the ground as smoke sank to the ground around us, and in the distance I could hear a familiar shouting my name. In the cover of the smoke I jumped up, pulling the kunai out and escaped the madness. I raced out of the village, and made my way to the small pond where orochmaru had tried to kill me.

There in the clearing standing next to the pond, was Hidan with a massive smirk upon his face. "Took you long enough bitch" He chuckled,  as I walked over to him. " Don't start that shit, my name is Creed. Besides, I didn't plan on being stabbed through the heart you ass" I said as I rubbed the spot where the blade had pierced my skin.

"Everything went according to plan, besides that little snafu" I said as I grabbed the pack I had hid here earlier. Before I had left Hidan yesterday we had put together this little plan, for good reason too. I need to become stronger, in order to stop orochimaru from hurting anymore people.

Joining Hidan and becoming an immortal Jashinist, was the only was that I saw how to do it. My parent's may be sanins, but even they weren't unkillable immortals like Hidan.

So before I left to go back home I let Hidan convert me, and agreed to meet him back here, after I had faked my death of course. We couldn't risk people looking for me after I left,  so it was better if they thought I was dead.

Taking out my summoning scroll I quickly summoned Onryo, he was confused when he saw that this wasn't the arena. "Creed what's going on?" He asked as he looked at Hidan "Your smell, it's familiar.  You're the one who's been sneaking to see creed!"

"I will explain later, for now we need to go with him. He will help us become stronger, in fact he has already helped me" I said as I climbed onto his back, making sure we had everything we would need.

"So where are we going Hidan?" I asked him as we ran through the forest, following hidan, hot on his heels. "Back to the base of the Akatsuki" Hre replied with a dark laugh.

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