"Oh no problem" she returned. As she broke her stare. I walked over to weights and began lifting From my peripheral vision I could see Camila staring me down
"Something the matter?" I asked camila once again broke her stare as her eyes widened no no nothing's the matter she said as she abruptly left the room. I chuckled a bit and continued my weights.


A few weeks after Camila confessed her love for me she threw a birthday party for Shawn I only assumed that they had gotten back together Camila invited Dinah ,Ally and Normani as well as a few other friends over to enjoy the festivities as well. We were all out back by the pool I was on grill duty grilling ribs,chicken and the such when I felt a strong hand gently rub my shoulders " sup short stack" Shawn said with a huge smile on his face "sup big bro" "oh you know celebratin another birthday n shit.. Hey take a break had a beer with me I wanna talk to you for a minute" he asked softly as he gently pat my shoulder and walked off to a semi secluded area of the patio. I set the temp on the grill closed the lid and made my way to Shawn who was staring out into the back yard as he sipped his beer. As I walked up to him he handed me and ice cold bottle "hey thanks" I said as I took a swig.

"So are you enjoying the party?" I asked Shawn as he gazed out into the lawn watching everyone laugh and sing and just having a good time.

"Oh hells yeah man I wasn't even expecting this honestly" he replied

A moment of awkward silence caused me to take another sip of my beer. "So what did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked Shawn cautiously even though I kinda knew what he wanted to talk about I decided that the best thing for me to do was play dumb.

"So Camila told me a few weeks ago that she was in love with you.. You guys haven't done anything have you?" I snatched my head in his direction

"What? No no of course not I wouldn't do that to you Shawn you know me better than that" I replied my heart pounded

He lowered his head and began peeling the label off of his beer bottle slowly "yeah.. I know you wouldn't I'm sorry I asked its just.. I don't wanna loose her you know? I love her a lot she makes me feel good inside ya know? Like just seeing her smile it just... Words can't express"

"Yeah, I totally get that... I've felt that way before so I know the feeling" I stated Shawn glanced at me for a minute before speaking

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