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*not proofread so sorry for any mistakes

I got back home and slammed the keys on the desk Camila came running down the stairs and reached out to hug me but stopped

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked looking at me

"Nothing just dont" I said gently pushing her hands away from my face

She stood still and watched me as I stormed past her and up the stairs

"Hey!, hey what's your problem!"

Camila yelled as she followed me into the room. "What are you talking about" I scoffed at her

"I mean you've been acting weird having mood swings since you came home"

"So what Camila! " I shouted

"So I'm worried about you baby!"
She yelled.

"You know what (I grabbed Camila by her arms and pushed her against a wall) stop calling me baby you have a boyfriend it's never going to happen between us!"

In that moment Camila yanked her hands away from my grasp and slapped me hard in the face

"Don't you ever touch me again you're an asshole!" She shouted as she ran out of the room crying.

"Fuck! Camila! I'm sorry" I ran after her but caught the door as she slammed it in my face and locked it

I knocked on the door gently

"GO AWAY Y/N FUCK YOU I HATE YOU!" She yelled from behind the door I could hear her muffled cries I felt like shit for hurting her knowing how she was and has always been there for me even going so far as to leave her parents house to come and stay with me, she's never done anything to hurt me ever and I've hurt her.. I had to get out of the house I had to leave I needed to be alone.

I stormed back to my room and packed my things in a duffle bag and called a cab. The cab driver drove me to my beach house on a private stretch of the beach. I got out and walked up to the front door turning the key inside the lock the door opened  effortlessly, I unarmed the alarm and walked in further dropping my bags on the floor. I stood in silence looking around the place remembering when my parents used to vacation here when I was a kid.


After unpacking my things, I headed for the shower the warm water hit my body and ran over the long scar on my arm I glanced at it for a minute and ran my finger over the scar Lauren popped in my mind again but I was still upset by what she had done.. how could she do me like that had people thinking that I was crazy when I knew that I wasnt .

After my shower, I sat watching t.v. on the sofa as I drank a beer my first one since I left the hospital 4 months ago t.v. was begining to get boring so I turned it off and sat in the darkness I set my half empty bottle of beer on the counter beside me and lay my head back on the sofa as I listened to the sounds of the waves gently crashing on the rocks down by the beach the soothing sound of the ocean put me to sleep.

When I woke up, the moon was shining directly in my face. I squinted my eyes a little and stood up I made my way to the kitchen to disguard the beer bottle. I tried texting Camila a few times I even went so far as to call her twice but she would not return my calls nor answer my texts good job for fucking up probably the only girl who actually cared about you I thought to myself. After many failed attempts I threw my phone on the table and headed upstairs to my bedroom.

I lay in bed thinking about Lauren she seemed to always be on my mind I had a strong urge to go and see her again but after her warning of me not to come back I decided that maybe it was best if I didn't go back I lay in bed until I finally drifted off to sleep. I woke up because I felt a presence, someone or something watching me I sat up in bed and glanced around the room before I saw a pair of glowing eyes

Fallen (Lauren/You) G!P (ONGOING)Where stories live. Discover now