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*not proofread,not edited sorry for any mistakes

I sat on the couch flipping through the t.v. channels while Camila cleaned around the house I hadn't seen nor spoken to Lauren in over a month, I had seen on the news something about the store robbery the two guys were arrested and charged with the murder of the store clerk. That night still replays in my head over and over but I try and block it out at times.. I was completley healed by this time and physically able to do for myself. I had taken a few times to hit the gym and get myself back in shape and basically things in my life went back to normal yet Lauren stuck on my mind.. I missed her and I wondered if she was ok that night at the store I saw something that wasn't human and I have been trying to block it out of my mind for the longest I thought to myself she could have easily killed those two men but she didn't what was she? who was she.. and where did she come from...


I was snapped from my daze my Camila standing in front of the t.v. "Hey you ok? You've been staring into space for a while" she said

"Hmm, yeah I'm fine" I said softly

Camila sat beside me and stared at me I turned to her and looked at her "what?" I asked cluelessly.
Camila grabbed my face gently and kissed me.

"Camila!" What are you doing I asked shocked at what she had just did.

"It's just a kiss silly you look like you were hypnotized or something glad I could snap you out of it" she giggled as she got up from the sofa and began vaccuming.

"I'm gonna go for a drive I'll be back" I said as I grabbed the keys and headed out the door I had to find Lauren.


I drove about an hour out until I reached the abandoned warehouse that I saw Lauren walking towards the day I ran into her. I approached the building cautiously there was a latch on the heavy metal doors but I managed to squeeze inside through an opening the I side of the warehouse was damn and cold I could hear music playing somewhere so I followed the sound up 3 flights of stairs that lead to a room I saw a beam of light coming tmfrom a room down the hall a blinding beam of light. As I neared the entrance I peeked through doorway and saw Lauren standing inches away staring directly at me it was as if she were expecting me and knew that I was there (Pic shows her facial expression)

Only her eyes were glowing I quickly turned and ran down the flight of stairs I felt a gust of wing blow past me and suddenly I was on my back at the bottom of the stairs being pinned down and unable to move

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Only her eyes were glowing I quickly turned and ran down the flight of stairs I felt a gust of wing blow past me and suddenly I was on my back at the bottom of the stairs being pinned down and unable to move. Once my vision cleared, I noticed that Lauren was on top of staring at me

"Why are you here?" She asked calmly I tried to move from under her and wiggle my arms free but she was incredibly strong so after a few minutes of fighting to free myself I went limp and gave up.

"I asked why are you here" she repeated in a still calm bt firm demanding voice.

"I- I don't know I wanted to see you again". I said turning my face away as a tear fell from my eye Lauren rubbed my face and helped me stand up

"You need to leave you can't be here" she urged pushing me gently to the door.

"No, NO I'm not leaving here without you.. everytime I see you and I tell my friends they all think that I am crazy!" I shouted however Lauren didn't budge she only kept get gaze on me

Something on her arm caught my eye Roman Numerals XXVII

I remembered the car accident the girl that pulled me from the wreck had the same tattoo but I couldn't see her face, the dr had same tattoo but I couldn't see her face and now I stood in shock staring at Lauren's arm I then glanced up at her as I began to back away to the door her eyes met mine and she began walking towards me.

"You... you were the one who saved me from the wreck, you-you were my dr, and the girl at the diner all this time it was you" I said shaking my head in disbelief

"What are you..." I asked before I had time to react I was pushed against a metal pilar Lauren placed her hands on each side of my face and stared deep into my eyes

"Listen to me you are going to leave here and you are not to come back EVER you didn't see anything I never existed do you understand me" she said her grip was begining to hurt my face

"Let me go you're hurting me!" I shouted

"I said do you understand don't come back!! She yelled

"Let me the fuck go!" I shouted as I tore are way from her.

"Don't come back here" she said I could hear the shakyness in her voice


*Narrator pov*

As y/n leaves the warehouse, she gets into Camila's Jaguar and skids off kicking up water and rocks as she speeds off.

Lauren is left stading along as she begins to cry a tear falls from her eye

"Please don't come back.."

A/N there will be sex in the next chapter just a trigger warning so expect it.

Fallen (Lauren/You) G!P (ONGOING)Where stories live. Discover now