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Word Count:1,215

I awoke late in the morning and to no surprise that I was back in my room in my own bed  I didn't question exactly how I had gotten back to my house because I knew that someway somehow Lauren had brought me back she always brings me back either that or I am just really crazy. I lay motionless on the bed as I stared at the time of the clock that hang on the wall 11:45 am  it read suddenly the sound of my door opening revealed a puffy eyed Camilla her hair was a mess and flipped to one side her nose red she sniffed as she walked towards me 

"Camila what's the matter?" I asked as I sat up in bed

"Nothing it's allergies" she said as she jerked away from my outstretched hand I slowly recoiled and stared at her

"I just watched The Notebook twice it's so sad that when they got older she didn't recognize the man she fell in love with" Camila said as she grabbed a Kleenex and wiped her eyes I scratched my head at this awkward moment 

"I've never seen that movie"  I  confessed Camila gave me an odd look

"What?" I said mirroring her expression

"Nothing I was just thinking about something" she said as she stared blankly at nothing I got out of bed and took my shirt off to change into something else

"what were you thinking about?" I asked as I searched for my blue shirt I noticed that Camila had gotten quiet

"Ugh where the fuck is my blue shirt?" I asked myself  as I ran my hands through my hair 

"It's in the dresser drawer at the top" Camila giggled

"ahh thank you" I breathed as I stared up at the ceiling 

"Hey maybe we can watch The Notebook together sometime?" Camila asked

"Yeah that sounds amazing Mila we should do that"  I said as I paused and looked around I continued searching for my shirt.

"Shawn and I are supposed to be doing some yard work today it's gonna be a long day I've gotta try and get that mower running again where the hell is my damn blue shirt!" I shouted

"Babe top drawer to your left" Camila restated once again as she began laughing 


"VRAAAHHMMMMMM!" The mower started like a charm I decided to take a few laps around the yard before I handed it over to Shawn as if the house wasn't big enough the Lawn was rediculous The mower came to a hault just as I began pouring down sweat "Peice of shit!" I yelled as I hauled off and kicked it. 

"Heyy! ohhh! what's going on over here!?" Shawn asked as he walked quickly over to my side

"This peice of shit cut off on me!" I yelled

"Well here let's see maybe there's something stuck on the blade here, help me turn it over"  he asked we lifted the mower onto it's side and examined underneath "There's nothing on the blades  let me give it a try" he said as we turned the mower back on all 4 wheels I accidentally grabbed the Hot Chaud and burt the fuck out of my finger 

"Ouch motheer fucker! goddamnit!" I screamed

"What happened?!" Shawn asked

"I burt my goddamn finger son of a bitch!" I yelled as I hauled off and kicked the shit out of the lawnmower

"Oh stop being a baby let me see he said taking my hand into his "Shit yeah it got you good have you got a first aid kit?" He asked

"Camila!" he yelled in an instant Camila ran outside 

"What happened?" she asked looking confused

"y/n burned her hand on the lawnmower have you got a first aid kit?"

"yeah, yeah i'll take care of her come on" Camila beckoned me I turned the water hose on and removed my shirt wetting it and wrapping it around my hand I figured the coolness of the water would make the pain go away Camila stared at me for a minute I watched as her eyes fell on my toned stomach  before snapping out of her daze

"Woah someone's getting swole" Shawn teased at me

"Shut up dork" I said as I followed Camila inside

I followed Camila into the kitchen and sat down on a bar stool "Sit tight i'll be right back" she said I heard the Lawnmower start back up in the distance turning around to peer out of the window I saw Shawn mowing I rolled my eyes at how easily it started back up with him

"Ah found it sorry it took so long" Camila said with a smile she stood in front of me and opened the First Aid Kit

"Oh shit babe it got you pretty bad" she said as she stared at the deep red bruise on my hand

"eh it's not that bad hurts like fuck though" I stated.

Camila giggled as she opened a pack of burn cream she slowly began rubbing it on my hand and the pain eased up significantly"god that feels so much better thanks Mila" I said as I began to get up

"Wait I still have to bandage it first" she yelled I felt her hand touch my abs as she attempted to push me back onto the chair. I stood staring at her and she at me her hand still on my stomach Just then without warning Camila moved forward gently locking our lips in a sweet yet passionate kiss I quickly picked her up pressing her against the wall as we continued kissing I heard the mower shut off outside and I quickly came  cmae to my senses and put Camila down "Camila We Can't" I said

"Can't what?" Shawn asked happily as he entered the kitchen he went straight for the fridge to grabbed two bottles of water.

"Can't let her get burned by the stupid mower again she's got a pretty bad burn it may peel after a few days but she'll be fine" Camila said her stare still on me  I stood unable to speak

"Welp we've still got alotta yard to mow so get your ass out here and help me sprout" Shawn demanded happily as he threw me a bottle of water I caught it and glanced at the label

'Sure yeah just let me go change into another shirt I said I quickly walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into my room. As I entered my room I sat against the door  "Fuck!" I whispered harshly to myself "Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!"   I kissed Camila something I should of never done I realized that where things were once fine between us before  I had possibly opened a new wound If Shawn had caught us kissing I knew he would have gone berserk I needed time away from Camila I don't know what was wrong with me but I felt an urge and I acted on it I needed time away from her, I needed to be alone for a while. I began packing my suitcase and other things i'd need I wanted to go to the beach house it was a good ways away from Camila but I had to collect my thoughts and think of why I had kissed her but more importantly what the fuck I was doing...

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