Changes Pt 3

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*Not Proof read I apologize for any grammar errors or mistakes!

I woke early the next morning and headed down stairs to the kitchen passing by Camila's room all was quiet. As I entered the kitchen I decided that a cold bowl of cereal would suffice instead of a heavy hot breakfast I sat at the bar eating my cereal and staring out the window

"Morning sprout!" Shawn's voice boomed throughout the kitchen causing me to jump I watched as he opened the fridge and grabbed an Apple "sprout?" I mumbled

"Yeah, got a problem with that knuckle head"  he responded as he ruffled my hair  "hey guys" Camilla's small voice entered the room.  "Hey beautiful" Shawn answered as he walked up to her eating his apple after giving her a sweet kiss before grabbing his things "hey I gotta run I have to do a show later and I need to ready I'll see you girls later"   he said walking out of the kitchen I continued eating my cereal  as I watched Shawn leave out of the driveway

"Morning" Camila chimed as she sat beside me  "morning"  I replied as I took another bite of my cereal
"Y/n please look at me"  she pleaded I dropped my spoon into my cereal bowl it clinked loudly causing Camila to jump my piercing blue eyes stared into her chocolate orbs. 

"Are you upset with me or something? Did I do something wrong or-"

"Oh Camila please" I groaned as I stood up and set my bowl inside the sink and began to walk away from her she quickly followed behind me.

" Hey! Hey where are you going!?" She demanded

"Um, to my room why?" I asked sarcastically as I headed towards the stairs

"Why are you treating me like this?! I haven't done anything wrong!"  she yelled

"Never said that you did Camila!"  I shouted as I climbed the stairs

"It wasn't my choice ok! I just wanted to feel something!, I wanted to forget that I had feelings for you! " she shouted

"I couldn't disappoint Shawn I'm trying with him I really am but I don't feel the same way for him as he does for me and the fact that I have to live with this pain this guilt its fucking killing me!" She said as she dropped to her knees and began sobbing.

I turned to her and began walking towards her.

"Camila"  I said softly as I reached down to touch her

"Don't touch me!"  She yelled suddenly I felt a hard slap across my face causing me to jump back "don't you touch me!"  She yelled as she began hitting me uncontrollably

"Camila stop!"  I yelled as I picked her up dragging her into the room and slammed her onto my bed holding her down as she squirmed "let me go! get off of me! you fucking!-".

Before she could finish I smashed my lips into hers enveloping us both in a passionate kiss Camila didn't resist me instead she pulled me in closer and wrapped her legs around me. Once air became an issue I pulled away from her.

"No we can't do this " I said breathlessly

"Why not?"  She asked her breath hitched

"Because I promised Shawn that I wouldn't I can't break that promise" I said as I got off of her I sat on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands Camila ran her hand through my hair as I sat motionless.

Camila began kissing my neck softly I glanced up at her only to be met with her eyes she wanted me her eyes showed longing she wanted me to love, her to hold her, to kiss her, and make love to her but I couldn't I began thinking about what this could mean if I gave into what she wanted how my close friendship with Shawn would be ruined and how he'd be extremely hurt if he ever found out.

"Camila you should go we shouldn't  do this please don't make me do thisI said softly

At that moment Camila stood up and walked out of the room without saying a word...

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