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Word Count:1,224

Mesmer /Mez.Mer :  The feeling of being put under a state of deep hypnosis ; hearing,seeing,feeling things that are not real.. (Glamour)   


I awoke to the warmth that was once beside me gone Camila was gone I quickly spring from the bed and ran to Camila's room only to enter into a clean untouched room with a perfectly made bed

"Camila!" I yelled but received no reply "Camila!" I yelled once more as I searched through the house


"She's not here" a raspy voice echoed from behind me

"Jesus FUCK!" I shouted a I turned around "How'd you get in here Lauren?" I demanded

Lauren stared at me with the same look she gave me after I had bumped into her in the Ally way months ago Lauren didn't say anything instead she slowly walked past me and stood by the window staring out of it into the ocean as the waves crashed along the rocks. "She was never here y/n" Lauren replied

"Wait, what do you mean she was never here I-"

"I altered your mind, I made you think that it was real when in fact it wasn't it was a mesmer, I made you believe that she was here because I knew how she really felt about you but I also knew that had you had really done such a thing, you wouldn't of been able to live with yourself afterwards the guilt would consume you.. you know it and I know it." Lauren added cutting my words off she kept her gaze on the ocean I leaned against the wall in complete shock trying to process what I had just been told.

Lauren broke her stare from the ocean and walked over to me her eyes were warm and inviting i glanced up at her as she stared into my eyes and gently rubbed my cheek

"You have a good heart, you are a good person you would have never of done this if the situation were real" she said. I gently broke away from her and walked to the deck to sit down and collect my thoughts the sun hit my skin and it felt as if I were suddenly brought back to life I leaned my head back against the base of the chair and closed my eyes. it wasn't long before I felt a kiss on my forehead I opened my eyes to see Lauren standing above me

"Are you ok?" she asked

"Yeah, I just need time to process all of this" I said

"Take all the time you need I'll be around" she said before kissing my forehead and walking away I took my phone out of my pocket and glanced at Camila's name no calls no texts from her and suddenly I began to think that she had somehow forgotten about me it wasn't like her not to call or text or see if I was ok but maybe in the end she had her reasons for doing so  After giving it much thought, I picked up my phone and messaged her.

                                                                   (Text Conversation)

 "Camila, I am at the beach house, I think i'll stay here for a few more weeks before I come back home. I just need a little time to think things through. I hope that you are getting on well believe me when I tell you I hated the fact that I snuck out on you but I did what I felt was necessary at the time in order for you and Shawn to have a stronger relationship. Shawn is a good guy Camilla ,  And I think that you should really give him a chance. I know your feelings for me won't change but me being away might be able to bring you and Shawn closer together, he is like a big brother to me .. and the only thing closest to one that i'll ever get I couldn't ever imagine hurting him and losing his trust. Please understand that I am only doing this for you."

I didn't expect for her to message me back so I sat quietly watching the waves crash into the rocks until my phone went off I quickly glanced at the name and opened the message.

Text message From Camila:

"You are an asshole for leaving me but I am not going anywhere. I miss you so much and I really appreciate what you are doing. Everyday it is hard for me but I really am trying, and yes Shawn is an amazing guy he's so sweet and he asked about you I told him that you needed some time away and he understood completely I know that you said that you wanted to be alone but being alone isn't always a good thing I was thinking of bringing the girls with me to come and visit you maybe have a small party or something if not I understand"


"No, it's ok you girls can come i'll be happy to have the company.. Actually, I've kinda got someone here with me but I know once I tell you you will think that I am crazy"

Text Message From Camila:

What? Who's there with you?

"Is everything ok out here? 

Lauren asked I turned to see her standing in the doorway a smile crossed her face I slid my phone back in to my pocket and stood up

"yeah, no everything's fine I was just texting Camila making sure that she was alright..."  I said looking a bit uneasy 

"Are you going to make her come?" Lauren asked

"What?" I said looking at her strangely

"Here, are you going to make her come here?" Lauren stated as her eyes burned into mine

"I-I don't know Lauren Camila is stubborn if she wants to do something and her mind is made up she usually carries it out" I said scratching the back of my neck.

Lauren stared at me for a second "Tell her to come,her and her friends I want to meet them"  she said

Lauren walked back into the house and disappeared around a corner without saying another word. I stood alone wondering if this would be a good idea or a disaster I felt a vibration in my pocket and removed my phone swiping the screen to see Camila's name.

Text Message From Camila:

The girls and I really want to see you it's not safe for you to be there alone so much we will be there in three days..

Suddenly a wave of worry washed over me  what would happen when they finally met Lauren or more worrying.. when Lauren met them...

Important Authors Note: Guys I am having MAJOR writer's Block for the next chapter PLEASE,PLEASE help me with some ideas so that I can begin writing the next chapter whose ever Idea(s) I use I will credit your name and give you 100% notoriety TRUST ME no idea is too crazy I am a very creative writer and I CAN and WILL work any idea that I like into the next chapter ALSO there will be special guest appearances by Ally,Normani,Dinah and Camila so get those ideas going! whose ever Idea gets the most positive responses I will use PLEASE HELP ME OUT OR ELSE THIS STORY WILL BE ON HOLD FOR A WHILE 

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