Saved Again.

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A few weeks had gone by and Camila and I hadn't really spoken much to one another since that night we kissed. I knew that she was hurting but at the same time I knew that my decision and the choice that she made was right. Shawn visited Camila almost every day or as often as he could and every now and then they would be intimate. I never got into their business nor what they were doing instead i had gone about my business as if nothing was happening.

It was an early Saturday morning when I woke early and decided to go for a jog in the park the sun had barely come up and I decided that this was the perfect time to go for a run before the humidity hit I started my run at a slow pace before jogging I glanced around as I ran and noticed a few people in the park doing warm up exercises and also jogging I decided to take a longer path so I broke away from the main path and headed deeper into the woods two joggers an elderly couple passed me as I ran by and I was now alone I ran a few miles in before stopping to take a quick beak and have a drink of water  as I uncorked the top of my water bottle I took a few gulps and suddenly go the strange feeling that someone  or something was watching me glancing around and into the woods I saw nothing as a threat I continued drinking my water until a flock of crows flew into the air cawing  causing me to jump I glanced around once again and saw nothing only this time the feeling of something watching me grew stronger.

'Well, what's a pretty young lady like you doing out here alone?"  I turned quickly to see a tall man with a clean shaven beard  staring at me

"Just jogging" I replied as I screwed the cap onto my water bottle

"just jogging.. alone.. you know it's dangerous this area they always say to have a jogging buddy just in case" he retorted

"yeah, so I've heard.. Well I'm going to get going" I said as I turned to walk past him he grabbed my arm "woah,woah,woah where you headed off to so soon stay for a while talk to me" he said as he gripped my arm tighter.

"Please let me go" I begged as I began to wiggle away from him but he was too strong

"No not yet, not until I'm done having my fun" he whispered in my ear as he began to kiss my neck I squirmed in his grasp but there was no use  I wasn't strong enough to fight him. as I began to yell for help he quickly wrapped his hand around my mouth and drug me into the woods. I began kicking and screaming doing everything that I could to free myself but his grip was as strong as cement in an instant I was thrown down to the ground and kicked in the stomach completely disabling my ability to fight back. I attempted to curl into a ball when I was flipped onto my back. my shirt was ripped

"get the fuck off of me!" I yelled but he refused to budge

"scream all you want honey no one can hear you!" he yelled

"Get off of me!"  I yelled once more  suddenly the guy was lifted off of me and thrown to the ground I quickly regained my composure and stood with my back against a tree. I watched as the winged creature held the guy into the air as he screamed he was suddenly slammed to the ground the fall automatically breaking both his legs. he screamed in agony as he reached for his disfigured limbs the figure turned to me her eyes were golden in color I backed against another tree and attempted to run but I was quickly stopped by the creature

"Please don't hurt me!, I don't wanna die!"  I screamed within an instant I felt a soft hand gently stroke the side of my face. "I'm not going to hurt you" a familiar voice cooed softly to me. Upon opening my eyes I was met with those beautiful emerald Green eyes I stood frozen in shock completely speechless as to what to say I couldn't move my body felt as if it were made of stone. I watched as Lauren stared me up and down her eyes finally focused on my lips and then to my eyes.

"You shouldn't of come here alone it's dangerous" she said softly as she turned to walk away from me I followed closely behind her "How'd you know that I was he-"

"I have a connection to you, you're marked" she said cutting me off she continued waking further into the woods and I continued to follow her "Lauren wait! I haven't seen you for over 3 months and you just pop up out of nowhere!" I yelled

Lauren stopped abruptly unbeknownst to me and as she turned to face me I stumbled into her only she didn't budge I fell to the ground and attempted to get back up her outreached hand offered assistance I took it and was back on my feet in seconds. "Why, Why did you come back, why did you save me again" I asked as I stared at her

"Because that guy back there.. he was intent on killing you I am here to protect you because you are marked and claimed" she exclaimed her Green eyes burned deeply into mine

"wait what do you mean I am Marked and Claimed? you've said this twice" I argued Lauren stared at me unblinking Lauren walked up to me and slowly lifted my shirt as she did her eyes met mine and we were locked into an unbreakable stare. I felt her hands slowly rubbed my stomach as her  her fingers slid over my abs she applied light pressure I winced and felt a cold chill followed by heat  "what are you doing" I groaned in pain the feeling was almost unbearable

"Healing you" she replied  when she was finished, she slowly pulled my shirt down turned on her heels and began walking into the woods. "Lauren! stop leaving me! why won't you ever stick around!" I yelled at that moment Lauren turned and headed towards me she reached me in seconds "Do you want me to stay?" she asked her eyed burning into mine once again I couldn't move

"yes, I do I need some attempt at my sanity.. everyone thinks I am crazy you say that you are here to protect me yet you always leave I don't understand" I confessed

"Well, some things are not meant to be understood... they just are" with that, Lauren placed her hand on my forehead and everything went black.

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